

May 07, 2009 21:00

May 07, 2009 20:00

  • TV tower, Tbilisi. Photo of "Caucasian Knot" Adelkhanov: Tbilisi will be quiet only till evening

    Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is quiet after yesterday's clash with the police; the opposition has announced a time-out till the evening, as Emil Adelkhanov, deputy chair of the board of the Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development, said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

May 07, 2009 19:00

  • Process on Nalchik attack takes break till June 1

    Today, the session of the Supreme Court of Kabardino-Balkaria has made a decision to delay the next session of the trial on the criminal case about the attack on Nalchik on October 13, 2005, till June 1, 2009. The break is caused by the state of health of three defendants, who need hospitalization, and also with the need for the defendants to get additionally acquainted with the materials of the criminal case.

May 07, 2009 18:00

May 06, 2009 23:00

  • "Reporters without Borders" help satirist Mirza Sakit

    The international organization "Reporters without Borders" (RwB) engaged in defending the freedom of press has allocated material help to satirist Mirza Sakit (Sakit Zakhidov), employee of the newspaper "Azadlyg" (Freedom), who was released from custody on April 9.

May 06, 2009 22:50

  • Erevan, Republic square. Photo of "Caucasian Knot" Armenia: fact-finding group on March 1, 2008, events suspends work

    Three members of the fact-finding group that was set up to collect information about the events on March 1, 2008, who represented the power and the Ombudsman, have made a decision on temporary suspension of their authorities in the group. This was reported to journalists by Levon Zurabyan and Stepan Safaryan, representatives of oppositional organizations - the Armenian National Congress and the "Heritage" Party.

May 06, 2009 22:30

May 06, 2009 22:00

  • Freedom square, Tbilisi. 26 April 2009. Photo of "Caucasian Knot" In Georgia, MIA agents detain oppositional activist

    Last night in Tbilisi, employees of Georgia's MIA detained Giorgiy Oniani, an activist of the radical youth oppositional movement "November 7". He was detained after an incident that took place yesterday in the morning near the building of the Public Television, where a picket of the opposition was held.

May 06, 2009 21:00

  • Staff of United Army Grouping to be disbanded in Chechnya by September 1

    The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told at the Military Commandant's office of the Chechen Republic that by September 1 this year, the Staff of the United Army (Forces) Grouping (UA(F)G) in Northern Caucasus, which acted in the territory of Chechnya, will be disbanded. Instead, a news command structure of the federal forces in Chechnya will be set up.

May 06, 2009 20:10

  • Supreme Court of Russia refused to stop construction of two cargo ports in Sochi

    Ecologists failed to achieve cancellation of construction of two cargo ports in the Imereti Valley of Sochi. Today, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation has rejected the claims lodged by the international public organization "Social and Ecological Union" and one Russian citizen, who demanded to stop the construction of the ports, since, in applicants' opinion, it caused damage to nature.

May 06, 2009 20:00

May 06, 2009 19:00

  • Tbilisi: clash of oppositionists with policemen results in victims

    Tonight in Tbilisi, at the building of Chief Administration of Patrol Police, a clash burst out between supporters of the opposition and policemen; several persons suffered. The Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Georgia has detained Georgiy Gachechiladze, a popular variety singer, known under his scenic pseudonym "Utsnobi" (Stranger).

May 06, 2009 18:00

May 05, 2009 23:20

May 05, 2009 23:00

  • Immigrants from Chechnya living in Ingushetia get ready for congress

    On May 4, in the city of Grozny, the office of the expert of the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) for Northern Caucasus hosted a conference of representatives of forced migrants, who made a decision to hold, on June 1 in Nazran, a congress of forced migrants from Chechnya with the aim to discuss the problems of their return home.

May 05, 2009 22:00

  • Court at trial on Nalchik attack changes judicial sequence

    Today, the court that considers the case on the attack on power structures of Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, on October 13, 2005, has decided to change the order of judicial investigation. By doing so, the court has supported the prosecution, which petitioned in favour interrogating the witnesses in full about the sites they had visited during the events.

May 05, 2009 22:00

May 05, 2009 21:10

  • Georgian opposition postpones highway blockade by three days

    The press service of the National Forum has reported that the Georgian opposition made a decision to postpone by three days the start of intended picketing of main country's highways in the context of MIA's information about a putsch allegedly prepared and then prevented.

May 05, 2009 21:00

May 05, 2009 20:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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