

May 09, 2009 09:00

  • Azerbaijani authorities strengthen religion control

    On May 8, the Parliament of Azerbaijan passed amendments to the law "On Freedom of Religion", which stipulated stronger control over the religion sphere. The amendments assume re-registration of all religion communities and specify the mechanisms of their registration cancellation.

May 09, 2009 07:00

May 09, 2009 05:00

May 09, 2009 04:00

May 09, 2009 03:00

May 09, 2009 02:00

May 09, 2009 01:00

May 08, 2009 23:30

May 08, 2009 23:00

May 08, 2009 22:00

  • Armenian Ombudsman to strengthen litigation control

    With account of numerous complaints of the witnesses who figure in the former "Case of Seven" on application of torture and violence to them with the aim "to obtain evidences wanted by the investigation," Armen Arutyunyan, Ombudsman in Armenia, has made a decision to add personnel to his office with the aim to monitor the trials.

May 08, 2009 21:10

May 08, 2009 21:10

  • Ingushetia: investigation into two large corruption cases is over

    Under the war on corruption announced the new head of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Evkurov practically immediately after he took the office, investigation into two most resonant criminal cases is over. Former top managers of large Republic's enterprises are accused of plundering budgetary funds.

May 08, 2009 21:00

  • Congress of forced Chechen migrants in Ingushetia planned for June 1 cancelled

    The congress of forced migrants from Chechnya living in Ingushetia to be held in Nazran on June 1 was cancelled. On May 7, this decision was announced by Aslambek Apaev, one of the organizers, expert of the Moscow Helsinki Group for Northern Caucasus and Chairman of the Committee in Defence of Forced Migrants' Rights.

May 08, 2009 19:00

May 08, 2009 18:00

May 07, 2009 23:30

May 07, 2009 23:00

  • Fact-finding group on March 1 events: policeman's death needs new examination

    The fact-finding group about the events on March 1, 2008, in Yerevan believes that the materials of the criminal case dealing with death of police officer Hamlet Tadevosyan have obvious contradictions and violations of the law. In particular, repeated complex technical and medical examinations are required with participation of international experts.

May 07, 2009 22:00

  • Targeted programme of waste disposal is designed in North Ossetia

    North Ossetia is developing a programme named "Wastes". The document will suggest a complex of measures to solve the problem of solid domestic wastes (SDW), starting from collection, transportation, sorting, and up to complete liquidation of wastes. This was reported on May 6 by Taimuraz Mildzikhov, Minister for Environment and Natural Resources.

May 07, 2009 21:10

May 07, 2009 21:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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