

May 16, 2009 15:00

May 16, 2009 10:00

May 16, 2009 07:00

  • Karachaevo-Circassia: mothers with many children awarded

    On the International Family Day, May 15, the government of the Karachaevo-Circassian Republic (KCR) decorated mothers having many children with the medal "Mother's Glory". Fifty mothers who have brought up five and more children were awarded.

May 15, 2009 23:30

  • Russia loses Chechen cases in European Court again

    At the European Court on Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg, the Russian Federation has lost two cases to residents of Chechnya, who accused Russia's authorities of disappearance and murder of their relatives.

May 15, 2009 23:10

  • Armenia stops case against one of former "Case of Seven" defendants

    According to the conclusion of experts from the Ministry of Public Health, Shant Arutyunyan, one of the defendants in the former "Case of Seven", "in the moment of committing his crime was in the state of mental insanity." On the basis of the conclusion of the forensic medical examination, the criminal case against Mr Arutyunyan is stopped.

May 15, 2009 23:00

  • About 30,000 take part in oppositional rally in Armenian capital

    Today, in Yerevan, at Matenadaran, a rally of the opposition was held that brought together about 30 thousand persons. After the rally, many thousands of them marched along the streets of the capital. People from transport means and house windows welcomed them. The participants of the march were shouting: "Free, independent Armenia!" and "Levon is President!" The march was accompanied by policemen. The action passed without incidents.

May 15, 2009 22:00

May 15, 2009 21:30

May 15, 2009 21:10

May 15, 2009 21:00

  • Lawyer Abubakarov: Bogatyryov's murder in Kabardino-Balkaria has no links with Nalchik attack case

    There are no grounds to look for any links between the murder of Vitaly Bogatyryov, deputy head of the investigatory isolation facility (SIZO) of Russia's UFSIN (Department of the Federal Punishment Enforcement Service) for Kabardino-Balkaria, with the complaints against custody conditions in SIZO of the defendants in the case about the attack on Nalchik on October 13, 2005. This is the opinion of advocate Magomed Abubakarov.

May 15, 2009 21:00

  • Tbilisi, Rustaveli avenue, camp of opposition. 15 May 2009. Photo of "Caucasian Knot" Zakareishvili: Saakashvili will make no concessions to opposition

    After the meeting of President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili with the leaders of the nongovernmental opposition, many oppositionists understood that the event was just Saakashvili's formal gesture aimed at the West, and he is not ready to make any concessions. This was stated by Georgian political scientist Paata Zakareishvili to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

May 15, 2009 20:00

May 15, 2009 19:00

  • Inspectors find new data on massacre in Baku Oil Academy

    Tonight, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Azerbaijan have made a joint statement on the course of investigation into the massacre committed in the Azerbaijani State Oil Academy (ASOA) on April 30. They now clear out involvement of certain Sergey Grigoryan in this crime.

May 15, 2009 18:00

  • Resident of Kabardino-Balkaria beaten to death by Moscow youngsters

    In Moscow, Ahmed Maskov, a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria, was killed, and Arthur Borukaev, another resident of this republic, received heavy mutilations, when they were attacked by short-haired young men equipped with steel bars. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent learnt about it from well-informed sources.

May 14, 2009 23:40

May 14, 2009 23:10

May 14, 2009 23:00

  • Prosecutor's Office of Chechnya checks data about Yamadaev's threats to Kadyrov

    Sulim Yamadaev, former commander of "Vostok" special GRU battalion, who, according to some sources, was lost as a result of attempt in the end of this March in Dubai, and, according to his relatives, survived and was going to announce blood feud to President of Chechnya, can be brought to criminal liability. His threats to Ramzan Kadyrov arouse interest of the Chechen Prosecutor's Office.

May 14, 2009 22:10

  • Claim of journalist versus police considered in Azerbaijan

    On Wednesday, May 13, the Nasimin District Court of Baku, chaired by Ikram Shirinov, started a trial on the suit lodged by Emin Guseinov, Director of the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS), against the police of Azerbaijan.

May 14, 2009 22:00

  • Chechnya, Grozny. Photo by Board of NGOs: MIA forbids militiamen to resign

    Militiamen of Chechnya, who decide to resign, are at risk of beating, and their bosses refuse to sign their dismissal applications. The "Caucasian Knot" was told about it in the Information Centre of the Board of NGOs of Chechnya.

May 14, 2009 21:00

  • Volgograd. Source: In Volgograd, lady-journalist fined for articles about Chechen's torturing in colony

    The Kirov District Court of Volgograd has fined by 200,000 roubles journalist Elena Maglevannaya, who published materials about facts of torture in Russian colonies, having found her guilty of disseminating false information, discrediting the honour and dignity of the Federal Service of Punishment Enforcement (known as "FSIN"), as reported by official spokesman of the Service.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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