

January 11, 2022 17:10

  • Polad Aslanov's wife. Screenshot of the video Polad Aslanov's wife claims pressure on journalist in colony

    The colony staff has taken away cigarettes and bottled water from the journalist, Polad Aslanov, in order to force him to stop his hunger strike, Polad's wife has stated. For seven months already, the Supreme Court (SC) of Azerbaijan has not accepted a complaint against the verdict for consideration; this violates Aslanov's rights, Yalchin Imanov, a lawyer, asserts.

January 11, 2022 15:44

  • A cartridge found at the scene of the shelling. Screenshot Second Nagorno-Karabakh village shelled within the day

    After the shelling of the Karmir Shuka village in the Martuni District, residents of the village of Nakhichevanik in the Askeran District, who were engaged in agricultural works, have complained about an intensive fire from Azerbaijani militaries.

January 11, 2022 15:04

January 11, 2022 14:48

  • A photo of a half-naked girl on Dombay. Screenshot Social media users criticize young women for half-naked photos on Dombay

    It is unacceptable to appear in resorts of Karachay-Cherkessia half-naked, and such behaviour contradicts local traditions, Instagram users declare. They criticized young women for taking photos in bathing suits at the Dombay resort. Their opponents argue that moral guardians ignore the more important problems in the republic.

January 10, 2022 23:55

  • Karabakh firefighters came under fire near the border with Azerbaijan. Screenshot Karabakh firefighters come under fire near border with Azerbaijan

    The Azerbaijani armed forces shelled firefighters in the village of Karmir Shouka, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nagorno-Karabakh reported. The kindergarten, from which children were evacuated after the shelling attack, will resume its operation on January 11, the local authorities report.

January 10, 2022 20:03

January 10, 2022 19:59

January 10, 2022 19:05

January 10, 2022 19:01

  • Report on Internet freedom in 2021 published by the human rights organization "Freedom House". Screenshot of the webpage Countries of Southern Caucasus ahead of Russia in Internet freedom

    In the ranking of the human rights organization "Freedom House", Georgia and Armenia are classified as countries with a high level of Internet freedom; they scored more than 70 points out of 100. Azerbaijan and Russia scored 35 and 30 points, respectively, being among the non-free countries.

January 10, 2022 18:52

  • A video appeal by relatives of Tumso Abdurakhmanov. Screenshot of the video on Instagram Video with Tumso's relatives continues trend of rebukes to rights defenders

    A video has been posted on the Instagram with an appeal by relatives of the oppositional blogger, Tumso Abdurakhmanov, in which they stigmatize human rights defenders and assure that they are not being repressed. This video was the third one after similar appeals made by relatives of Khasan Khalitov and Akhmed Zakaev.

January 10, 2022 14:36

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of January 3-9, 2022

    Celebration of Epiphany and Nativity of Christ; echo in the Caucasus of anti-government protests in Kazakhstan; evacuation of residents of Kuban because of flooding, – see the review of these and other events in the Caucasus during the week of January 3-9, 2022, prepared by the “Caucasian Knot”.

January 10, 2022 11:39

January 10, 2022 11:34

  • Tumso Abdurakhmanov (on the right) at a rally in Strasbourg on January 8, 2022. Screenshot of the video published on his Telegram channel Chechen blogger Tumso promises to avenge his kidnapped relatives

    The numerous kidnappings of relatives of Kadyrov's critics living in Chechnya and Astrakhan have become an unprecedented method of combating the dissent; and there will be retribution for the abducted women, the Chechen blogger, Tumso Abdurakhmanov, has promised at a rally in Strasbourg.

January 10, 2022 11:24

  • Arman Tatoyan, the Armenian Ombudsperson. Screenshot of the video by the Rau Telestudio Ombudsperson states use of violence against Armenian POWs in Azerbaijan

    Armenian citizens held captive in Azerbaijan are subjected to violence for their religious beliefs, Arman Tatoyan, the Armenian Ombudsperson, has stated. Armenian authorities are doing nothing to bring Azerbaijan to responsibility for the cruel treatment of prisoners of war (POWs), human rights defenders assert.

January 09, 2022 11:46

January 09, 2022 11:22

  • Protest rally held by Saakashvili’s supporters on October 14, 2021. Photo by Inna Kukudzhanova for the Caucasian Knot Saakashvili's supporters announce disobedience actions

    On the 100th day in custody of Mikheil (Mikhail) Saakashvili, the third president of Georgia, his supporters, while holding during a rally near the Rustavi Prison, announced the formation of disobedience groups and the start of anti-government rallies throughout the country.

January 09, 2022 11:04

  • Khasan Khalitov (left), Akhmed Dudayev (center), Akhmed Zakayev (right). Collage made by the Caucasian Knot. Photo:, screenshot:, screenshot: Chechen authorities' attempt to refute kidnappings outrages Kadyrov's critics

    Akhmed Dudaev, the Minister of Press and Information of Chechnya, has posted a story refuting the kidnappings of relatives of critics of Chechen authorities by showing a video with relatives of Khasan Khalitov and Akhmed Zakaev. In response, Khalitov has stated that it was a show staged by Chechen authorities, while he still has no information about the whereabouts of his relatives.

January 08, 2022 17:08

  • Giyas Ibragimov. Screenshot: Police prevents Giyas Ibragimov's action at Aliev's residence in Baku

    In front of the residence of the President of Azerbaijan in Baku, Giyas Ibragimov, a youth activist, took a canister with some liquid out of his backpack, then took a lighter in his hand and went to the residence building. Presidential security guards took the canister and lighter away from him, and detained the activist.

January 08, 2022 15:01

January 08, 2022 12:46

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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