

January 08, 2022 12:33

January 08, 2022 12:17

January 08, 2022 08:34

  • Tbilisi: "Alilo" march held as motor rally

    Due to the anti-covid restrictions, the traditional "Alilo" Christmas march was held in Tbilisi in the form of a car rally; priests aspersed streets from inside cars. In Kutaisi and Kvareli, the marches took place in the traditional format.

January 08, 2022 08:17

January 07, 2022 22:56

January 07, 2022 22:33

  • Participants of a protest rally hold banners with Polad Aslanov’s portraits. Screenshot: Journalist Polad Aslanov goes on hunger strike in prison

    On the evening of January 6, Polad Aslanov, an imprisoned director of the “” website, went on a hunger strike. The convicted journalist demands a reconsideration of his case and protests against the delay in the consideration of his complaint by the Supreme Court (SC) of Azerbaijan.

January 07, 2022 18:40

January 07, 2022 18:17

January 07, 2022 14:09

January 07, 2022 13:30

  • Cars burned down during mass protests in Kazakhstan. Screenshot: Euronews video, Politicians dispute on probability of Kazakh scenario in Azerbaijan

    Mass protests such as those underway in Kazakhstan are possible in Azerbaijan if the authorities fail with democratic reforms, oppositionists believe. Mass actions in Azerbaijan have been ruled out due to people's high trust in the president, a member of the ruling party is sure.

January 07, 2022 12:18

January 07, 2022 11:37

January 07, 2022 09:40

  • Protests in Kazakhstan, January 2022. Screenshot: Social network users condemn decision to send Armenian troops to Kazakhstan

    Armenia should not send its military personnel as part of the peacemaking contingent of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), given the geopolitical situation, as well as the fact that Premier Pashinyan himself came to power through street protests, users of the Armenian Facebook segment have stated.

January 07, 2022 08:58

January 06, 2022 22:56

January 06, 2022 22:37

January 06, 2022 18:14

  • Mikhail Saakashvili in a courtroom. Screenshot of video posted by Saakashvili extends term of his ultimatum to authorities of Georgia

    Mikhail Saakashvili, the third president of Georgia, agrees to wait till late January for the fulfilment of his demands concerning involvement of foreign doctors in his treatment and visits of advocates. In case of refusal to fulfil his demands, Mikhail Saakashvili can go on hunger strike again, his advocate says today.

January 06, 2022 17:59

January 06, 2022 13:28

January 06, 2022 13:05

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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