

February 05, 2009 22:00

  • Pupils of boarding school in Kabardino-Balkaria appeal for help to human rights activists

    Ten former pupils of the boarding school located in Nartan village of Kabardino-Balkaria, where the prosecutor's office had revealed roughest violations of the legislation on accommodation of orphans and children remaining without parental care, have addressed for help to human rights activists. The pupils stand in defence of Mamkhegova, Liudmila Kerimovna, dismissed deputy director for pupils' life-support.

February 05, 2009 21:00

  • Foto from Moscow human rights activists support "Mothers of Dagestan"

    Human rights activists are indignant with the attacks on the public organization "Mothers of Dagestan for Human Rights" and plan to do everything to defend it. This is the topic of the statement made at today's press conference in the Independent Press Centre in Moscow by representatives of the leading human rights organizations of Russia.

February 05, 2009 20:00

  • Resident of Argun kidnapped by unknown persons in Chechnya

    The law enforcement bodies of Chechnya are finding out the circumstances of the incident that took place last night in Argun, the third city of Chechnya. A local woman-resident addressed the militia with a statement that at night on February 4 a group of armed persons kidnapped her adult son.

February 05, 2009 20:00

February 05, 2009 18:00

  • Today is nine years after Novye Aldy residents were executed in Chechnya

    According to human rights activists, nine years ago, in the course of a wide-scale "zachistka" (clean-up) conducted in the settlement of Novye Aldy and adjacent districts of Grozny, 56 persons were killed. In spite of the fact that the power units, which held this "special action", have been established, those guilty of assassinating unarmed people remain unpunished.

February 04, 2009 23:00

February 04, 2009 22:00

February 04, 2009 22:00

February 04, 2009 22:00

  • HRC "Memorial": 12 persons kidnapped in Dagestan in 2008

    In 2008, kidnappings in Dagestan did not stop, which is also admitted by spokesmen from the MIA of Dagestan. However, in estimation of their number and consequences the official data is essentially different from what human rights activists report. This is the topic of the statement of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", which was received by the "Caucasian Knot".

February 04, 2009 22:00

February 04, 2009 21:00

February 04, 2009 21:00

  • Glukhov was not the only military absentee in South Ossetia

    Sergeant Alexander Glukhov who deserted his military unit based in Akhalgori for Georgia was not the first one to quit Russian military troops deployed in South Ossetia. Shortly before the incident with Glukhov, another soldier had tried to run away home via Georgia; however he was detained there and sent back.

February 04, 2009 20:00

  • In Rostov Region, court marshals arrest property of protesting miners-pensioners

    In the city of Zverevo, Rostov Region, the debts of miners-pensioners are collected in the mass order through the court. Valery Dyakonov, deputy of the city duma of Zverevo, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that five trials took place in recent days and ruled to collect the pensioners' indebtedness for heating on the suits lodged by the Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) "Donenergo".

February 04, 2009 19:00

February 03, 2009 23:00

February 03, 2009 22:00

February 03, 2009 22:00

February 03, 2009 22:00

February 03, 2009 21:00

February 03, 2009 20:00

  • Chris Chivers: "murder list" of Kadyrov's enemies needs verification

    The authenticity of the list of 300 natives from Chechnya, sentenced to death by President Kadyrov, which was published in the western press, has not been proved yet. This was stated by Chris Chivers, one of the authors of the article published in the American "New York Times", in his exclusive interview to the "Caucasian Knot"; the article was about the story told by the murdered Chechen emigrant Umar Israilov about the cruelty of the Chechen regime.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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