

February 07, 2009 17:00

February 07, 2009 15:00

  • Football referee kidnapped in Georgia

    In the highway in the Kaspskiy District of Georgia, unidentified persons have attacked a car and kidnapped a referee who was making his way to a match of the National Football Championship.

February 07, 2009 10:00

February 07, 2009 09:00

February 07, 2009 06:00

February 07, 2009 04:10

  • Finnish lady-journalist wants to tell the truth about Ingushetia

    Anna Lauren, a Finnish journalist and a correspondent of the state-owned TV and Radio Company "Yuleisradio", has come to Ingushetia with the aim to make reports; she is now writing a book about Northern Caucasus and warfare during the Russian-Georgian conflict in 2008, willing to help residents of her country "to have a sober look at the Caucasus."

February 07, 2009 02:00

February 07, 2009 01:00

  • Chechen authorities contemplate on issuing "prohibition law"

    The authorities of Chechnya want to promulgate restrictions on sale of alcoholic products in the territory of the Republic. The respective ideas were announced by Islam Vazirkhanov, head of the Republic's Department of the Federal Tax Service for Chechnya.

February 06, 2009 23:00

February 06, 2009 22:00

  • St-Petersburg residents to invite children from Novye Aldy to excursions

    On February 5, 2009, the Scientific-Information Centre "Memorial" in St-Petersburg hosted a meeting in memory of victims of the tragedy in Novye Aldy village - of the "zachistka" (clean-up) conducted on February 10, 2000, by the Petersburg OMON. To correct the opinion of Chechen residents about St-Petersburg, the organizers of the action offered to invite children from the village to their city.

February 06, 2009 22:00

February 06, 2009 22:00

February 06, 2009 22:00

  • President of Chechnya calls former militants back home from Europe

    On February 5, in the course of his meeting in Grozny with Ramzan Ampukaev, representative of the Chechen Diaspora in Europe, Ramzan Kadyrov invited former militants, now living in Europe, to come back home. The Chechen President also rejected his any involvement in the recent murder in Vienna of refugee from Chechnya Israilov, who had earlier worked for his security service. The Kadyrov's meeting with Ampukaev was shown by local television.

February 06, 2009 21:00

  • Czechia holds a march against political murders in Russia

    In the Czech city of Brno, a demonstration took place against political murders in Russia. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed about it by Oksana Chelysheva, one of the organizers of the action and deputy head of the Finnish organization "Society of Russian-Chechen Friendship".

February 06, 2009 19:00

February 06, 2009 18:00

February 05, 2009 23:00

February 05, 2009 23:00

February 05, 2009 22:00

  • Human rights activists count 66 political prisoners in Azerbaijan

    According to the Federation of Human Rights Organizations of Azerbaijan (FHROA), in total, there are now 66 political prisoners in Azerbaijan. This was stated by Leila Yunus, Director of the Institute for Peace and Democracy, in her interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent in the context of the forthcoming discussion at the spring PACE session of the issue of appointing a special rapporteur on political prisoners in Azerbaijan.

February 05, 2009 22:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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