Mizur village on the map. Source: http://zilahar.narod.ru

14 April 2009, 19:00

Shtadler: young men in North Ossetia blew themselves by their own bomb

The explosion, which happened on April 13 in Mizur village in North Ossetia, as a result of which one young man died and seven more wounded, was caused by an explosive made by the victims themselves, as Herman Shtadler, Public Prosecutor of North Ossetia, said to journalists today.

We remind you that on April 13 a powerful explosion took place some 400 meters off Mizur village, killing Stanislav Gobeev, 20, in situ. Other seven victims, aged from 14 to 22, were hospitalized. Two of them - Zaur Kaitmazov and Zaur Mzokov - are in a grave condition after receiving heavy fragmental wounds.

The Public Prosecutor has also noted that earlier in the territory adjoining the place of the incident some mining-explosive works were performed, and, probably, some ammunition was left there by miners. That is why Mr Shtadler could not exclude that young men used certain parts of the mechanisms used by miners in making their bomb.

Under the order of the Public Prosecutor of North Ossetia, a special operative group was set up, comprising prosecutors, officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and FSB Department, and instructed to hold a complex of supervisory and prophylactic actions aimed to prevent such incidents in the future.

Author: Emma Marzoeva Source: CK correspondent

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