

October 29, 2004 23:48

October 28, 2004 23:47

October 28, 2004 23:34

  • Picketers detained in Baku

    Police cruelly beaten picket participants. Several people received serious bodily injuries as a result, and more than 30 participants were detained.

October 28, 2004 23:32

October 27, 2004 23:25

October 27, 2004 23:08

October 27, 2004 22:51

October 26, 2004 23:59

October 26, 2004 23:25

October 25, 2004 23:45

October 25, 2004 23:43

October 25, 2004 23:03

  • No investigation into bombing of Chechen village

    On April 8, 2004, the Russian air force bombarded the mountain village of Rigakhoi, Chechnya's Vedeno district. A young woman and her 5 children, the oldest of whom was 7, were killed by an air strike.

October 22, 2004 23:45

  • Seven opposition leaders convicted

    In his interview with the Caucasian Knot correspondent, chairman of the Musavat Party Isa Gambar stated that "today's statement has proved one more time there is no independent judicial system in Azerbaijan, and they [judges] depend on the will of the executive power, which chartered this shameful trial."

October 22, 2004 23:13

October 22, 2004 22:59

October 21, 2004 23:55

  • Baku denies presence of Maskhadov's staff in Azerbaijan

    Co-chairman of the Azerbaijan-Russian inter-parliamentary commission Arif Ragimzade expressed a protest against accusations heard in Russia sometimes that Azerbaijan gives terrorists an opportunity to develop their activity in the country.

October 21, 2004 23:46

  • No change in security agencies' tactics in Chechnya

    Attacks against federal soldiers and officers of local security agencies, which have become more frequent lately, are no more than rebels' try to show their abilities, Interior Ministry officials and Russian military men believe.

October 21, 2004 22:46

  • South Osetian authorities cast doubt on Saakashvili's statement

    Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili announced yesterday, October 20, that a few days ago, officers of special services conducted an operation to detain saboteurs who had blown up a pier of a high-tension line in the Kaspsky district, bordering on South Osetia.

October 20, 2004 22:35

October 20, 2004 22:34

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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