

December 02, 2008 14:11

  • Kitsmarishvili: I was forced to give away my share in "Rustavi-2"

    Erosi Kitsmarishvili, former ambassador of Georgia to Russia, founder and former head the "Rustavi-2" TV Company, told in his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that the country leaders had forced him to give away his share in the TV Company a couple of months after "the revolution of roses".

December 02, 2008 14:09

  • Abkhazia: local woman who was thought kidnapped found dead

    The body of Irina Meboniya, born in 1926, an elderly resident of the village of Nabakevi, Gali District of Abkhazia, was found today in the morning some 500 meters away from her house. She disappeared on November 26, but the neighbours reported the fact to the militia a day later.

December 02, 2008 14:03

  • South Ossetia expects increased flow of refugees from Georgia

    Kazbeg Karsanov, Deputy Minister on Special Matters of South Ossetia, has predicted a possible growth of the inflow of refugees from Georgia. Now South Ossetia has over 50 refugees from Georgia. At the same time, after the start of armed conflict, over 350 persons fled from Georgia to Russia via South Ossetia.

December 02, 2008 13:58

December 02, 2008 13:56

December 01, 2008 15:02

  • Moscow: another Azerbaijani assassinated

    A corpse of citizen of Azerbaijan was found in Moscow on Sunday, November 30, near a house located in the Sportivny Proezd. The young man died from multiple knife wounds.

December 01, 2008 14:59

  • Paper poll: Saakashvili is to blame for Georgia's problems

    The overwhelming majority of the population of Georgia believes that the President shall be made responsible for most of the problems faced by the country. These are the outcomes of the poll published on December 1 by the weekly named "Kviris Palitra" (Weekly Palette).

December 01, 2008 14:45

  • Georgia's MIA states shelling of villages from South Ossetia's side

    Today, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Georgia has stated that "last night the South-Ossetian party opened fire in direction of three villages in the Gori District." Earlier South Ossetia reported about bombardment of several villages from the Georgian Kveshi village on the previous night.

December 01, 2008 14:41

December 01, 2008 14:14

December 01, 2008 14:01

  • In Dagestan, Farid Babaev's brother states pressure on murder witnesses

    Sedredin Kanberov, a new suspect in the murder case of Farid Babaev, Dagestan human rights activist and member of "Yabloko" Party, is in hiding, but his brother Ruzmedin Kanberov, who is an employee of the central machinery of the MIA, exerts pressure on the witnesses, said the casualty's brother Arthur Babaev.

November 29, 2008 13:48

November 29, 2008 13:47

November 29, 2008 13:41

November 29, 2008 13:35

November 29, 2008 13:33

November 29, 2008 13:29

November 28, 2008 12:06

  • Old woman kidnapped in Abkhazia

    Irina Meboniya, born in 1926, a resident of Nabakevi village, Gali District of Abkhazia, was kidnapped on the night of November 26 from her own house. The information about kidnapping arrived from her neighbours only today.

November 28, 2008 12:02

November 28, 2008 11:58

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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