

March 13, 2009 22:30

  • Centre to inspect religious training institutions started in Ingushetia

    The main goal of the analytical centre, now created in Ingushetia with the aim to check the institutions of religious training, is the work with youth. The employees of the centre will visit mosques on a weekly basis and hold meetings with villagers of Ingushetia. Azit Gudanilov, an employee of the centre, told about it to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

March 13, 2009 22:00

  • Arakcheev, convicted for murdering residents of Chechnya, signs-in his appeal to Medvedev

    Sergey Arakcheev, a former officer of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Russian Federation, convicted for murdering three peaceful residents of Chechnya, is now calling Russians, in the pages of his Internet website, to sign his appeal to President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev. As of today, the letter has been signed by 1284 persons.

March 13, 2009 21:00

March 13, 2009 20:00

  • Svanidze: public hearings in Dagestan failed to start a dialogue

    On March 10, Dagestan hosted a meeting of Republic's leader Mukhu Aliev with the members of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation for Interethnic Relations and Freedom of Conscience and a group of well-known Russian human rights activists. The delegation held a session of public hearings in the Republic, however, in the opinion of Nikolai Svanidze, Chairman of the Commission, the parties failed to start a dialogue.

March 13, 2009 19:00

  • In Armenia, university guards beat a well-known photographer

    Today, at about 1 p.m. local time, Gagik Shamshyan, press photographer of the dailies "Aravot" (Morning) and "Chorord Ishkhanutyun" (Fourth Power), was violently beaten by the securities of the Valery Bryusov Yerevan Linguistic University right in the lobby of this higher school.

March 13, 2009 18:00

  • Rostov Region: wages held back of 16,000 workers

    According to "Rostovstat" (Regional Statistics Authority), as of March 12, 2009, 32 enterprises of the Rostov Region were holding back wages of 16,000 workers. Four enterprises of the city of Taganrog owe 78.5 million roubles to more than six thousand workers, and three enterprises of the Aksay District owe 25.882 million roubles. The Region has also debts to its budget-paid employees: as of March 12, they make 931,000 roubles.

March 12, 2009 23:30

  • NAGA President detained in Azerbaijan

    On Tuesday, March 10, Dashgyn Gyulmamedov, President of the National Assembly of Georgian Azerbaijanis (NAGA) was arrested in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

March 12, 2009 23:00

March 12, 2009 22:30

  • North Ossetia: "RusHydro" Company floods unique necropolis

    The company named "RusHydro", which is building the Zaramag Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), has flooded the Alaidon Necropolis, a unique monument of the Koban culture of the Caucasus, which was found in North Ossetia. The accident was reported by Ossetian archaeologist Khasanbek Chshiev.

March 12, 2009 22:00

  • Militia column shelled in southwest of Chechnya

    On March 11, in the submontane Achkhoi-Martan District of the Chechen Republic, unidentified criminals shelled a motorcade with employees of law enforcement bodies. One of the militiamen was hospitalized with gunshot wounds. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent learnt about it from a source in law enforcement bodies of the Republic.

March 12, 2009 21:30

  • Source: Within a month, Chechnya destroyed over 360 bombs

    The engineering-sapper subdivisions of the Internal Troops (ITs) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Russia neutralized, during February this year, 360 different explosive objects and six self-made bombs detected in the territory of Chechnya.

March 12, 2009 21:00

March 12, 2009 20:00

March 12, 2009 19:00

  • Evkurov orders MIA of Ingushetia to stop persecuting Moslems

    President of Ingushetia Yunus-Bek Evkurov does not find the young men who "would not go to the mosque with others" to be Wahhabites and instructed the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and Muftiyat to stop persecuting the youth on the basis of their religion. This was stated by President of Ingushetia in his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" and "Gazeta.Ru".

March 12, 2009 18:00

  • Murat Kardanov accused of attack on Nalchik in October 2005

    Murat Kardanov, a resident of Zolukokoazhe village, who was arrested on December 30, 2008, and before for three years was registered among the casualties, has been charged with participation in the attack on Nalchik on October 13, 2005. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent has learnt about it from well-informed sources.

March 11, 2009 23:30

  • "Chernovik" journalists study their indictment in Dagestan

    In Dagestan, four journalists of the "Chernovik" newspaper and their editor-in-chief were presented charges under Article 282 of the Russian Federation's Criminal Code, which assumes criminal liability for excitation of hatred or enmity, or humiliation of one's dignity. According to Magomed Magomedov, a "Chernovik" journalist, today his colleague Arthur Mamaev was summoned to the investigatory department of the investigatory committee at the prosecutor's office of Dagestan for getting acquainted with the materials of the case.

March 11, 2009 23:00

March 11, 2009 22:30

March 11, 2009 22:00

  • Mukhu Aliev: situation with kidnappings in Dagestan grows better

    President of Dagestan Mukhu Aliev asserts that the situation with kidnappings in his Republic becomes better now. According to his data, during the last decade, 80 persons were kidnapped in Dagestan, of them 47 persons were returned, 4 bodies were found and whereabouts of the remaining 29 is unknown.

March 11, 2009 21:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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