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December 30, 2004 23:49

December 30, 2004 23:45

  • Azerbaijan president signs pardon decree

    This decree grants a pardon to 54 convicts, including Sardar Gamidov, the former head of Azerbaijan's Tertersky district executive power and brother of ex-minister of foreign affairs Iskander Gamidov.

December 29, 2004 23:56

  • People go missing in Chechnya

    "Sessions of the Government, the Security Council, and the Interior Ministry are broadcast every day. Everybody claims we should fight hard against the abductors of people, but nothing happens in reality," an abducted man's close relative said.

December 29, 2004 23:31

December 29, 2004 23:29

  • Municipal officials expelled from opposition parties

    Those members of the Azerbaijan Democratic Party (ADP)who took part in the municipal elections regardless of the party's decision to boycott the elections will be punished, ADP secretary for ideology Aydin Guliyev told the Caucasian Knot correspondent.

December 28, 2004 23:55

December 28, 2004 23:31

  • Human rights situation worsens in Azerbaijan

    Torture is a widely spread means of obtaining evidence in the system of the Azerbaijan Interior Ministry, and no police officer has been punished for it, human rights activist Leyla Yunus said.

December 27, 2004 23:47

December 27, 2004 23:16

  • Azerbaijan ombudsperson reveals no torture

    For the period of its activity, the "fast response group" in the staff of the Azerbaijan ombudsperson has inspected over 150 temporary detention isolators and revealed no fact of torture.

December 24, 2004 23:55

  • Armenian parliament to discuss sending soldiers to Iraq

    On December 23, at a closed session of the standing parliamentary commission on foreign relations, Armenian Defense Minister Serzh Sarkisian submitted to the deputies the memorandum on mutual understanding "On the Commanders of the Multinational Division Forming a Part of the Stabilization Forces in Iraq and Resolution of Other Problems."

December 24, 2004 23:13

  • Purge in refugee camp

    Today, officers of local and federal security agencies detained approximately 20 people during a joint "special operation" on the territory of the Rassvet refugee camp in the village of Ordzhonikidzevskaya, Ingushetia.

December 23, 2004 23:15

December 23, 2004 23:03

December 23, 2004 23:01

December 22, 2004 23:41

December 22, 2004 23:35

  • UN special rapporteur visits Ingushetia

    The aim of the visit of Ms. Erturk to Ingushetia is to collect reliable information about the state of women in the republic and study the human rights situation in the region.

December 22, 2004 23:33

December 21, 2004 23:47

December 21, 2004 23:24

December 21, 2004 23:03

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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