

May 28, 2024 19:50

May 28, 2024 16:57

May 28, 2024 16:34

May 27, 2024 23:48

  • Evacuation from the flooding zone in Armenia. Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of May 20-26, 2024

    Resignations and appointments in Chechnya, flooding in the Lori Province, persecution of pacifists and activists in Southern Russia, political crisis in Armenia, Novikov’s sentence, and official data on the natives of Southern Russia who perished in Ukraine, – see the review of these and other events in the Caucasus during the week of May 20-26, 2024, prepared by the “Caucasian Knot”.

May 27, 2024 23:26

  • Ruslan Nurushev. Photo courtesy of Ruslan Nurushev for the "Caucasian Knot" Volgograd lawyer complains to PO about investigators' inaction

    Ruslan Nurushev, the lawyer, whose personal data were disclosed on the TV, has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office (PO) against investigators. He claimed their inaction of not reacting to citizens' illegal shadowing while laying flowers in memory of Alexei Navalny.

May 27, 2024 22:50

May 27, 2024 21:33

May 27, 2024 21:12

May 27, 2024 20:46

  • Magomed Daudov. Photo: Daudov's appointment as PM confirms his status in Chechnya

    In Chechnya, high positions are occupied by people especially close to Ramzan Kadyrov. The appointment of Magomed Daudov as the Prime Minister (PM) has confirmed his high status; and it also indicates that in the future he may become Kadyrov's successor, analysts have noted.

May 26, 2024 23:04

  • Leila Gatagazheva (right). Screenshot of a video by the Russian MIA Leila Gatagazheva again placed under house arrest

    Despite the fact that the decision to transfer Leila Gatagazheva, a native of Ingushetia, under house arrest was made in her favour, it still violates the law, since the investigation period has ended and she could not have been given a preventive freedom restriction measure at all.

May 26, 2024 22:52

  • Magomed Daudov. Photo: screenshot of a video Chechen Parliament supports Daudov's appointment

    Chechen parliamentarians (MPs) have unanimously supported the appointment of Magomed Daudov as chairman of the government of the republic (Premier); he himself has announced this in his Telegram channel.

May 26, 2024 21:36

May 26, 2024 20:36

May 25, 2024 20:57

  • Members of the Elmurzaev family back at large after being kidnapped by law enforcers. Screenshot of the video posted on the Telegram channel of Tumso Abdurakhmanov on May 17, 2024 Rights defenders treat mass kidnappings as instability sign in Chechnya

    Some of the 80 persons kidnapped after the arson of a car associated with Adam Kadyrov have already been released, human rights defenders have informed, adding that the mass kidnappings amid high-profile resignations indicate an unstable situation in Chechnya and are caused by law enforcers' desire to demonstrate their importance.

May 25, 2024 20:53

  • Magomed Daudov (left) and Muslim Khuchiev. Collage by the "Caucasian Knot". Photo: "Grozny Inform" Personnel changes highlight level of Chechen authorities’ autonomy

    The resignations of Magomed Daudov and Muslim Khuchiev from their posts have shown that the authorities of Chechnya are more independent in personnel matters than other regions of Russia, analysts emphasize. The resignation of Magomed Daudov has not spoiled his relationship with Ramzan Kadyrov, the spokesperson for the “Vayfond” human rights association believes.

May 25, 2024 14:07

  • Darya Polyudova. Photo: Activist Darya Polyudova transferred to Kostroma colony

    Darya Polyudova, an activist from Kuban (Krasnodar Territory), who was serving her sentence in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) within an extremism case, was brought to a colony in Kostroma and placed under strict custody conditions.

May 24, 2024 23:53

May 24, 2024 21:55

May 24, 2024 21:24

May 24, 2024 19:52

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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