

April 07, 2011 20:00

April 07, 2011 19:00

April 07, 2011 18:00

April 06, 2011 23:50

April 06, 2011 23:40

April 06, 2011 23:30

  • Azerbaijan: oppositionist's son arrested on suspicion of killing his peer

    Vasif Miralamov, 15, a son of Tazakhan Miralamli, head of the local branch of the oppositional Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), was detained in the Jalilabad District of Azerbaijan, located 220 km to the south of Baku, on suspicion of a murder. The oppositionist himself is in hospital with bodily injuries received at the Yasamal District Police Division, where he was brought after being detained during oppositional protests on April 2.

April 06, 2011 23:20

April 06, 2011 23:10

April 06, 2011 23:00

  • In Chechnya, birth rate is 5 times mortality rate

    According to preliminary results of the 2010 census, the average annual birth rate in Chechnya is about 32,000 newborns against the mortality rate of about 6200, with the migration loss of about 2000, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed by Ramzan Digaev, head of the Territorial Department of the Russian Federal State Statistics ("Rosstat") for the Chechen Republic.

April 06, 2011 23:00

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of March 28 to April 3

    Power agents hope to identify Dokku Umarov among those liquidated in Ingushetia; while the former Mayor of Volgograd is seeking his reinstatement, it was decided to liquidate the post of Mayor whatsoever - in favour of the post of City Manager; Azerbaijani authorities respond by mass arrests to mass protests, - look these and other events in the review of the week of March 28 to April 3, 2011, prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

April 06, 2011 22:00

April 06, 2011 21:00

April 06, 2011 20:00

April 06, 2011 19:00

  • Grigory Elizarov and Egor Mirchuk, organizers of the action, managed to unfold - for a couple of minutes - their poster reading "Freedom to prisoners of conscience!" at the building of the Plenipotentiary of Russian President in the Southern Federal District (SFD). Rostov-on-Don, April 5, 2011. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Actions in support of political prisoners passed off in Rostov region

    Yesterday, April, 5, actions in support of detained political prisoners passed off in two towns of Rostov region. As a result of the picket in Rostov three activists of "Another Russia" were detained. Activists in Taganrog had to organize a single-person picket because the municipal administration prohibited holding a meeting.

April 06, 2011 18:00

  • Georgian opposition is ready to recommence negotiations on electoral system

    Yesterday, April, 5, oppositional community of Georgia put forward a suggestion to the ruling party to recommence negotiations on electoral system. The statement they issued runs that the opposition is ready to make some concessions but at the same time it is going to start a broad campaign of informing the population on the amendments it offers.

April 05, 2011 23:50

  • Tsotne Gamsakhurdia complains to US President about situation in Georgia

    Tsotne Gamsakhurdia, 36, son of the first president of Georgia, who is serving his prison term has treated - in his letter to US President Barack Obama - the situation as "deplorable" in the Georgian penitentiary system, in justice, in the electoral system, and in the spheres of the freedom of speech and respect for human rights.

April 05, 2011 23:40

April 05, 2011 23:30

April 05, 2011 23:10

April 05, 2011 23:00

  • Pupils of a kindergarten in Ingushetia. Photo
from the official website of the Republic of
Ingushetia: Census in Ingushetia shows demographic plus and migration minus

    The reduction of the population of Ingushetia in-between the censuses of 2002 and 2010 happened due to the fact that the Chechen refugees, who stayed in Ingushetia in 2002, later returned to their former residences. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed about it by Ibragim Kurkiev, head of the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service ("Rosstat") for the Republic of Ingushetia.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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