

June 13, 2011 19:00

June 13, 2011 18:00

  • Over 430 persons amnestied in Armenia

    According to the latest data, the amnesty declared by the Parliament of Armenia has already released 434 persons, said the press service of the Penitentiary Department of the Ministry of Justice.

June 13, 2011 16:00

  • Eduard Kokoity not to take part in presidential election in South Ossetia

    The incumbent President of South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity has refused to run for the republic's presidency, irrespective of the decision to be passed on June 14 by the Supreme Court on the issue of a referendum on the third term. This was announced today by the press service of the President and Government of South Ossetia.

June 13, 2011 14:00

June 13, 2011 13:00

  • Mass burial found in north of Chechnya

    Amidst the plain Shelkovskoy District in northern Chechnya, a mass grave with remains of victims of extrajudicial executions was found. The remains of unidentified casualties were buried here by local residents in the early years of the counterterrorist operation.

June 13, 2011 12:00

  • 150 films to be screened in Armenia at "Golden Apricot" Film Festival

    This year, the Eighth Traditional International Festival "Golden Apricot" has received a record number of applications – 630 films from 81 countries; out of them, 150 films from 45 countries were selected for the contest, Mikael Stamboltsyan, the festival programme director, told reporters. The festival will last from July 10 to July 17.

June 11, 2011 23:18

  • Last week's death roll in armed conflict in Northern Caucasus was 10

    During the week of May 30-June 5, at least ten persons were lost and at least eight more were injured in the armed conflict in Northern Caucasus. These are the results of calculations made by the "Caucasian Knot" based on its own materials and information from other open sources.

June 11, 2011 23:00

June 11, 2011 22:23

June 11, 2011 21:00

  • Sentencing of Oleg Orlov accused of slandering Kadyrov is expected on June 14

    Announcement of the verdict to Oleg Orlov, Chairman of the Board of the Council of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", who is accused of slandering the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, is scheduled for Tuesday, June 14. The verdict will be read out at 4:30 p.m. in the courtroom of the Khamovniki Court of Moscow.

June 11, 2011 19:00

  • Reconstruction of Akhmad Kadyrov Avenue in Grozny. Photo from the website of the Ministry for Housing and Municipal Facilities of the Chechen Republic ( Mosque to be demolished in Grozny

    It was decided to demolish a small mosque in Kadyrov Avenue in the Chechen capital, where broad-scale repair and construction works are on for several weeks already. According to the authorities, "it does not match the architectural appearance of the avenue," which awaits a radical reconstruction. A local clergyman treats the demolition of the mosque as sacrilege.

June 11, 2011 17:00

  • Fatullaev: readers in Azerbaijan want restoration of independent newspapers and earlier political course

    The niche of independent journalism in Azerbaijan is almost completely destroyed; the country has big problems with the freedom of speech; however, readers want restoration of independent newspapers and continuation of the previous political course. This was stated by Einullah Fatullaev, a former political prisoner and editor-in-chief of the newspapers "Real Azerbaijan" and "Gyundelik Azerbaijan", who had spent his last 4 years in prison and was released on May 26. Therefore, he intends to continue publishing his newspapers.

June 11, 2011 16:11

June 11, 2011 16:00

  • Alexei Dudko's advocate to appeal against verdict

    Abusupyan Gaitaev, advocate of the blogger Alexei Dudko, intends to file a cassation complaint against the sentence passed by Judge Natalia Larina from the Taganka District Court of Moscow, which awarded Dudko with 6 years in a minimum security colony.

June 11, 2011 15:11

June 11, 2011 15:00

June 11, 2011 13:00

  • In Azerbaijan, diplomats meet opposition leaders

    On June 10, at the headquarters of the oppositional "Musavat" Party, the diplomatic corps and heads of the international organizations deployed in Azerbaijan held a meeting with activists of the oppositional Civil Movement for Democracy "Public Chamber" (CMDPC).

June 10, 2011 23:40

  • Yuri Budanov. Photo from Anna Politkovskaya's article "Budanov's Case No. 14-0012-OOD", published on the website of the "Novaya Gazeta" on May 23, 2002 (NovayaGazeta.Ru) Moscow policemen do not rule out provocations in context of Budanov's murder

    Vengeance and provocation are named among the versions of the murder of former Colonel Yuri Budanov, who was convicted back in 2003 for murdering a Chechen girl. Meanwhile, the Moscow police is taking steps to curb possible attempts of nationalist-minded groups to use the murder for their own benefits, said a source from local law enforcement bodies.

June 10, 2011 23:30

  • Sanasaryan: findings of IAEA mission mismatch reality

    The Armenian Nuclear Power Plant (ANPP) is obsolete; while its equipment and location are a potential hazard. The conclusions of the commission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regarding the safety of the ANPP are just a formal assessment. This statement was made today by Akop Sanasaryan, Chairman of the Union of Greens.

June 10, 2011 23:30

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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