

June 06, 2018 13:25

June 06, 2018 11:55

June 06, 2018 09:48

June 06, 2018 06:04

  • Asker Sokht. Photo: Refusal to study national languages threatens youth's radicalization

    Many residents of Adygea and Kabardino-Balkaria are against the transfer of studying their native languages to the voluntary basis, the Adyg scientists, interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot", have stated. In their opinion, people's discontent can lead to the creation of a new social movement.

June 06, 2018 00:04

  • Georgia breaks its diplomatic relations with Syria

    The decision of the Syrian authorities to establish diplomatic relations with Abkhazia and South Ossetia was made under Russian pressure; it violates the fundamental norms and principles of the international law, the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has stated.

June 05, 2018 19:40

  • Sasna Tsrer" members. Photo by Tigran Petrosyan for the Caucasian Knot "Sasna Tsrer" abandons uprising idea

    With the change of power in Armenia, the need for an armed uprising has vanished; the "Sasna Tsrer" regiment is ready to cooperate with the new authorities, its members have stated today.

June 05, 2018 18:43

  • Teya Tsulukiani. Photo: Mzia Saganelidze (RFE/RL) Activists demand resignation of Georgia's MoJ head

    Teya Tsulukiani, the Minister of Justice of Georgia, cannot elect a new chief prosecutor, as she failed to cope with reforming the justice system, activists of ten non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have stated. The Georgian Prime Minister has rejected the demand to dismiss the head of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).

June 05, 2018 16:34

June 05, 2018 15:54

June 05, 2018 14:47

  • Special operation. Photo: the National Antiterrorist Centre, CTO legal regime lifted in Dagestan

    Today, the counterterrorist operation (CTO) legal regime has been lifted in the Tsumada District in Dagestan after the completion of special actions, reports the spokesman for the operative headquarters of the republic.

June 05, 2018 09:17

  • Tbilisi metro station is closed because of metro drivers' strike. Photo: Sputnik / Levan Avlabreli Negotiations on resumption of metro work in Tbilisi fail

    This night, Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze has had two rounds of talks with metro drivers on strike. However, the negotiations have failed. The machinists stay unhappy with the proposal to raise their salaries in 2019 and announced the continuation of their strike.

June 05, 2018 08:36

June 05, 2018 08:20

June 05, 2018 06:53

  • Islam Gugov in the courtroom. Photo by Konstantin Volgin for the Caucasian Knot Rights defenders treat Islam Gugov's case as unprecedented

    A case of Islam Gugov, involved in the third trial after his voluntary return from Syria, is a precedent when the law enforcement bodies ignore the guarantees given by the authorities, believes Oleg Orlov, a member of the Council for the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial". Depreciation of the authorities' promises inflicts great damage to the prevention of extremism and terrorism, believes Valery Khatazhukov, head of the movement "For Human Rights" in Kabardino-Balkaria.

June 05, 2018 01:20

  • Lawyer Emin Aslan kidnapped in Azerbaijan

    Azerbaijani lawyer Emin Aslan, who prepared for Azerbaijani citizens a number of complaints to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), was detained in Baku and taken away to some unknown destination, the "Caucasian Knot" was informed by Anar Mamedli, the head of the Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre (EMDS).

June 05, 2018 00:49

June 04, 2018 20:27

June 04, 2018 18:42

June 04, 2018 15:41

  • Presidential election in Russia, March 18, 2018. Photo: REUTERS/Hannah McKay Observers prove the overstated voter turnout at election in NCFD regions

    The official voter turnout at the election of the Russian president in the North-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) were overstated, volunteers report, who compared the data of video records from some polling stations with the official data of the Central Election Commission (CEC), the "Novaya Gazeta" reports today.

June 04, 2018 14:33

  • The Supreme Court of Azerbaijan. Photo: © Sputnik / Murad Orujov Azerbaijani SC refuses to unblock opposition websites

    The cassation complaints against the blocking of websites (the website of the Azadlig newspaper) and (the website of the Azerbaijani Service of Radio Liberty) were denied today by the Supreme Court (SC) of Azerbaijan.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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