

August 10, 2021 22:54

  • Lachin Veliev. Screenshot Azerbaijani oppositionist stops his hunger strike after hospitalization

    Lachin Veliev, a supporter of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan, and a former member of the “Musavat” Party, was hospitalized on the ninth day of his hunger strike. After being forced to accept food, Lachin Veliev stopped the action he was holding in protest against the extension of his arrest.

August 10, 2021 17:55

August 10, 2021 17:52

August 10, 2021 12:59

  • Azerbaijani activist Alizamin Salaev achieves transfer to colony medical unit

    On August 10, Alizamin Salaev, an activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), will be transferred to the medical unit of the colony where he is serving his term, his son has informed. However, the medical unit has no equipment and facilities for treating serious diseases, but the custody conditions there are better, human rights defenders have explained.

August 10, 2021 12:56

  • A poater in support of Abdulmumin Gadjiev. Photo by Ilyas Kapiev for the "Caucasian Knot" Gadjiev's colleagues hold pickets in Dagestan in his support

    Magdi Kamalov, the founder of the "Chernovik" (Draft) weekly, Magomed Magomedov, a deputy editor-in-chief of the edition, and the journalist, Idris Yusupov, came out to solo pickets in Makhachkala demanding to release Abdulmumin Gadjiev and all political prisoners.

August 10, 2021 12:02

August 10, 2021 11:35

August 09, 2021 23:58

  • The building of the Armenian government. Photo by Tigran Petrosyan for the "Caucasian Knot" Relatives of Armenian POWs demand a meeting with Nikol Pashinyan

    Relatives of Armenian prisoners of war kept in Azerbaijan, including convicts, went to a protest rally in front of the building of the Armenian government. The protestors promised to continue their action until officials provide them with concise answers about the situation with the prisoners of war (POWs).

August 09, 2021 23:54

  • Advocate Umalat Saigitov. Screenshot of the page Defence: terrorism financing case against Dagestani native far-fetched

    In Moscow, a court extended the arrest of Alikhan Adjamatov, a native of Dagestan, by six months. According to the defence, the case is based on the fact that the counterparties, with whom Alikhan Adjamatov had business contacts, had indirect ties with persons convicted in terrorist cases.

August 09, 2021 23:48

August 09, 2021 23:42

  • A criminal case. Photo by Vladimir Anosov, Two residents of Makhachkala accused of involvement in IS*

    The defendants were aware that their acquaintance was involved in the activities of a terrorist organization and was plotting to create an illegal armed formation, but did not report the above information to the law enforcement bodies, investigators claimed.

August 09, 2021 21:57

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of August 2-8, 2021

    Anti-COVID measures imposed by the authorities in Southern Russia; reappointment of Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister of Armenia; preparation for the September elections in Southern Russia; new successes of athletes from the Caucasus and Southern Russia at the Tokyo Olympic Games, – see the review of these and other events in the Caucasus during the week of August 2-8, 2021, prepared by the “Caucasian Knot”.

August 09, 2021 19:01

August 09, 2021 18:58

August 09, 2021 11:42

August 09, 2021 11:40

August 09, 2021 11:38

  • Oppositionist detained in Georgia

    Law enforcers have detained Giorgi Chaladze, a leader of the "United National Movement" (UNM) Party, for disobeying law enforcers. The oppositionist has linked his detention with his political activities.

August 08, 2021 11:39

  • Health condition of Azerbaijani rights defender Gyulyalyev shows improvement

    Doctors of the EGE-Hospital clinic have found out that the reason for the deterioration in the health condition of Ogtai Gyulyalyev, an Azerbaijani human rights defender, was in an infection in the abdominal cavity. His health condition has somewhat improved after the treatment prescribed in the clinic, his wife said.

August 08, 2021 11:38

  • Azerbaijan reports shootout in NAR direction

    Azerbaijani military have suppressed the fire delivered by Armenian units on the border with the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (NAR), the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence (MoD) has informed. The Armenian organization "Security and Democracy" complained to international structures about deliberate arsons of fields in this border section.

August 07, 2021 23:46

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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