Screenshot of video recording the detention of an alleged terrorist in Cherkessk,–e3ueZ87LIE

03 October 2021, 11:24

Social network users sceptical about prevented terror act in Cherkessk

The detention in Cherkessk of a resident of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) with components for making a bomb is a performance staged by law enforcers for the sake of receiving benefits, social network users have suggested.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on October 1, in Cherkessk, agents of the Russian FSB detained a 20-year-old resident of the neighbouring republic – the KBR. According to the FSB, the detainee had prepared a terror act in the city against law enforcers, and acted on the instructions of the militants of the "Islamic State" (IS), an international terrorist organization banned in Russia.

Instagram users have doubted the truthfulness of law enforcers' stories. "Somehow I hardly believe that this puny boy went for it! Apparently someone wants a career growth, someone has demanded it from them ... Therefore, they imitate their 'ebullient actions'," the user 777555_keri_ has suggested in his comment posted in the "KBR Patriot" public.

"I don't believe it. I've heard a lot how they plant entire weapon arsenals on innocent people and receive huge bonuses," the user t_k_b_026 has written. "It's not a fact that all these things were with him! I saw how our law enforcers detain people ... Once a guy walked with a watermelon and a melon (and everyone saw it, the detention was undertaken in the daytime), and then they stated that he had a whole arsenal on him. They plant things deliberately, and then praise themselves for how great they are," the user bibina_ia has stated.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on October 2, 2021 at 04:30 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: The Caucasian Knot

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