

December 21, 2009 22:20

December 21, 2009 22:10

December 21, 2009 22:00

December 21, 2009 21:00

  • Students of the Technical University of Dagestan remonstrate against illegal development of public green space. Makhachkala, December 21, 2009. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" In Dagestan capital, DSPU protests against building up the park

    In Makhachkala, a rally was organized by teachers and students of the Dagestan State Polytechnic University (DSPU) against illegal construction launched in the park zone adjacent to the university. Unknown businessmen fell down old trees and during one night laid the basement of a supermarket in the territory of the largest city park.

December 21, 2009 20:00

December 21, 2009 19:00

  • Meeting in memory of Natalya Estemirova. Moscow, Human right center "Memorial" hall, July 23, 2009. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" In Moscow, Natalia Estemirova posthumously awarded for courage

    The Moscow House of Journalists hosted a ceremony of awarding the first premium of the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) in the area of human rights defence for 2009. Natalia Estemirova, a human rights defender and employee of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", was posthumously awarded "for the courage demonstrated in defence of human rights."

December 21, 2009 18:00

December 19, 2009 22:00

  • Kalinovskaya states pressure after her speech at Sochi rally

    After the residents of the Imereti Lowland, whose houses happened to get into the zone of Olympic construction, took an active part in a rally in Sochi, Natalia Kalinovskaya, chair of the local self-government partnership named "Psou", felt pressure from the authorities.

December 19, 2009 21:00

December 19, 2009 19:00

December 19, 2009 18:10

December 19, 2009 18:00

December 19, 2009 16:00

  • "Ayastan" Foundation and authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh restore Shusha

    The programme of urban redevelopment and construction of the city water supply system is launched in Shusha, Nagorno-Karabakh. The project and cost-estimate works are underway, and in 2-2.5 months a construction tender will be held. This was announced on December 16 by Ara Vardanyan, executive director of the All-Armenian Foundation "Ayastan".

December 19, 2009 13:00

December 19, 2009 11:00

  • Russian Ombudsman medal awarding ceremony. Moscow, Mussa Aushev with his brother's award. Moscow, "Russian Zarubezhie" library and foundation, December 8, 2009. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Mussa Aushev: car with Dzhanievs blew up not from gas bottle

    According to Mussa Aushev, brother of the Ingush human rights activist Maksharip Aushev, assassinated in October, the version that the car with the Dzhaniev family - Maksharip's relatives, which blew up on December 16, suffered from a gas bottle explosion, is inconsistent. He refers to eyewitnesses who assert that the gas bottle blew up after the first explosion.

December 19, 2009 10:00

December 19, 2009 09:00

December 19, 2009 08:00

  • Armenia, Yerevan. Edgar Mougnetsian for "Caucasian Knot" Armenia has 90,000 poor people more

    Along with the economic recession, Armenia sees a significant growth of poverty. The count of poor population in the country has increased by 90,000 persons, or by 3 percent as compared with last year. This was reported to journalists by Aristomene Varudakis, representative of the World Bank in Armenia.

December 19, 2009 04:00

  • Mukhu Aliev: 150 militants liquidated this year in Dagestan

    As reported by President of Dagestan Mukhu Aliev on December 17 in Makhachkala at the sitting dated to the Day of Security Services, marked on December 20, from the start of 2009 in Dagestan 150 militants were liquidated, including 5 foreign mercenaries. 108 members of the armed underground and their helpers were detained.

December 18, 2009 23:50

  • Utrish. Photo by Ecologists of "Live Utrish" fight for preservation of "Abraus" nature reserve in Krasnodar Territory

    The interregional public ecological organization "Live Utrish" sees no sense in the All-Russian protest action, planned on December 26-27, in defence of the "Bolshoi Utrish" nature reserve, announced by the Ecological Watch for Northern Caucasus. This was stated by Marina Korovina, coordinator of the "Live Utrish". According to her version, now the organization is worried with the state of affairs in another nature reserve - "Abraus".

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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