

July 31, 2010 20:00

  • School of Koran experts to open in Chechnya in August

    A school of hafizes (readers of the Koran by heart) will open on August 23 in Ramzan Kadyrov's family village - Khosi-Yurt (Tsentoroi). The school will be named after Zelimkhan, senior brother of President Kadyrov, who died in 2004.

July 31, 2010 19:00

July 31, 2010 18:00

July 31, 2010 17:00

  • Police disperses oppositional protest action in central Baku

    In Baku, the police have dispersed a joint protest action of the oppositional parties "Musavat" and the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), held with the demands of the freedom of assembly, ensuring the democratic character of the parliamentary elections to be held on November 7 and account of the national interests of Azerbaijan at negotiations on Karabakh settlement.

July 31, 2010 16:00

July 31, 2010 15:00

  • Park of live butterflies in Rostov-on-Don, Rumyantsev's swallowtail butterfly. July 31, 2010. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Rostov-on-Don opens largest in Russia park of butterflies

    As stated by Sergey Trifonov, director general of the Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Barbos" - the Rostov park of live butterflies, the park opened in Rostov-on-Don is the first in the south of Russia and the largest in the country. In the first two days of its work, the park was visited by about 500 persons.

July 31, 2010 14:00

July 31, 2010 12:00

July 31, 2010 11:00

  • Mosque opened in Sochi after reconstruction

    On July 30, a mosque restored on public donations, was opened in aul Tkhagapsh, Lazarevskoe District of Sochi, as reported by Tatiana Katanidi, specialist of the department for interaction with law enforcement bodies and public organizations of the administration of Sochi.

July 30, 2010 23:40

  • Oleg Orlov's case sent to court

    As reported by the human rights defender himself, the investigation of the criminal case against Oleg Orlov, head of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", for slandering President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov is over.

July 30, 2010 23:30

  • Kozaeva-Tskhovrebova treats beating of leader of Ex-Combatants' Union of South Ossetia as "mob law"

    The beating of Timur Tskhovrebov, chairman of the public organization "Union of Ex-Combatants of the Republic of South Ossetia (RSO)", is categorically contradictory to those democratic values, pursued by South Ossetia, said Lira Kozaeva-Tskhovrebova, director of the Resource Centre of South-Ossetian NGOs and chair of the association of women of South Ossetia for democracy and defence of human rights.

July 30, 2010 23:20

  • Dagestan lawyers demand safety guarantees from MIA and Prosecutor's Office

    On July 29, the Board of the Bar of Dagestan disseminated a statement listing the facts of violence applied to lawyers in the republic and demanding to guarantee their safety and access to their clients. The statement was sent to the Minister of Internal Affairs Ali Magomedov and Public Prosecutor of Dagestan Andrei Nazarov.

July 30, 2010 23:10

  • Ella Pamfilova's retirement accepted

    President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev has accepted retirement of Ella Pamfilova, chair of the Human Rights Board under the President. This was reported by the Kremlin's press service.

July 30, 2010 23:00

  • "Rosprirodnadzor" reveals violations in Sochi Olympic objects

    The "Rosprirodnadzor" (Russian Federal Agency for Nature Supervision) made checks of the construction progress of Olympic objects in Sochi and revealed 25 violations of the nature protection legislation, on which fact administrative cases were initiated.

July 30, 2010 22:00

July 30, 2010 22:00

  • Militiaman killed in Ingushetia

    In the city of Malgobek (Ingushetia), tonight a car was shelled, and an agent of the OBEP (Division for Fighting Economic Crime) of the Malgobek ROVD (District Interior Division) was killed.

July 30, 2010 21:40

July 30, 2010 21:20

  • Gate of the villa, where on July 28 Elmin Badalov, a reporter of the newspaper "Eni Musavat", and Anar Geraily, deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Milli Yol", were beaten. Azerbaijan, Mardakyan settlement, July 29, 2010. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Azerbaijani journalists visit villas where their colleagues were beaten

    On July 29, a group of Azerbaijani journalists visited the villa in Mardakyan settlement in the vicinity of Baku, where on the previous day - July 28 - their colleagues - Elmin Badalov, a reporter of the newspaper "Eni Musavat", and Anar Geraily, deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Milli Yol", - were beaten. Near the place of the incident journalists were met by securities who said the villa belongs to "some foreigner."

July 30, 2010 21:10

July 30, 2010 21:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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