

October 24, 2011 21:00

October 24, 2011 20:00

October 24, 2011 19:00

October 24, 2011 18:00

October 22, 2011 23:00

  • Railway blown up in Dagestan

    Today, a freight train was blow up on the North-Caucasian Railways in the Karabudakhkent District of Dagestan, as reported by district law enforcers.

October 22, 2011 22:00

October 22, 2011 21:00

October 21, 2011 23:20

October 21, 2011 23:00

  • About 50 militants liquidated in Chechnya since start of this year, power agents assert

    According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Chechnya, during the first nine months of this year, power agents killed 47 members of the armed underground in the territory of the Chechen Republic, more than 150 militants and their accomplices were detained and persuaded to surrender. According to the "Caucasian Knot" information, based on own materials of the edition and information from other open sources, only from the beginning of the year till September, 53 suspected militants were killed in Chechnya, 121 people were detained or came to surrender.

October 21, 2011 22:30

  • Reconciliation of blood feudists in the village of Aldy, Zavodskoy District of the Chechen Republic. April 23, 2011. Photo by the press service of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Chechen Republic, Chechen authorities report elimination of 'blood feudists' in the republic, but set up new Reconciliation Commission under Muftiat

    According to a number of local experts and observers, statements of the Chechen leadership about complete elimination of blood feud conflicts in the republic can be incorrect. At the same time, on the next day after Kadyrov announced abolition of the Commission on reconciliation of families who were in the state of blood feud, the National Reconciliation Commission was established under the Spiritual Administration of the Republic. In future, among other tasks, the Commission will be engaged in reconciliation of 'blood feudists' (blood feud avengers).

October 21, 2011 22:10

  • In Baku, relatives of convicted oppositionists stop their hunger strike

    Today, the hunger strike in defence of rights of the oppositional activists convicted in connection with the rally of April 2, which was held at the headquarters of the "Musavat" Party in Baku, was stopped. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed by Gezyal Bairamly, Deputy Chair of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), that the decision to stop the hunger strike was made by the Committee of the convicts' family members.

October 21, 2011 22:00

October 21, 2011 21:00

October 21, 2011 20:00

October 21, 2011 19:00

  • Dagestan, Buinaksk, October 21, 2011, rally in the central square, organized by relatives and friends of Salman Abakarov,  city resident, who disappeared on October 11. Photo by Patimat Makhmudova for the "Caucasian Knot"
 In Dagestan, about two hundred persons demand to find missing local resident

    Today, the central square of the city of Buinaksk (Dagestan) hosted a rally organized by relatives and friends of Salman Abakarov, a father of six children, who disappeared on October 11. The rally was attended by about 200 persons; participants arrived from different regions of Dagestan, they demanded to intensify the search of the disappeared man.

October 21, 2011 18:00

  • In Dagestan, unidentified persons in camouflage and masks kidnap local resident

    Yesterday, on October 20, near the tax inspection office in the city of Dagestanskie Ogni, Ramazan Pashaevich Ramazanov, a local resident, born in 1983, was kidnapped by people in camouflage and masks in the eyes of his mother. This was reported by Magomed Khanmagomedov, a special correspondent of the newspaper "Chernovik" (Draft).

October 20, 2011 23:00

  • RWB: in Chechnya, journalists work in atmosphere of fear; in Dagestan, they are victims of social outbreak

    Today, the international organization "Reporters without Borders" (RWB) has published its report on the investigation into the situation with the media in the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Dagestan. The document notes that since their last visit to the republics, which took place two years ago, its activists found no changes for the better. The report provides estimates of journalists themselves, human rights activists and representatives of the republics' authorities, and the RWB's recommendations concerning the situation in the region.

October 20, 2011 22:40

October 20, 2011 22:30

October 20, 2011 22:30

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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