06 July 2009, 12:00
"Beslan Mothers" and "Voice of Beslan" want to hold a congress of terror act victims
The association of victims of Beslan terror act named "Beslan Mothers" and the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan" plan to hold in Beslan (Northern Ossetia) an all-Russian congress of victims of the terror act.
This was stated by Ella Kesaeva, leader of the "Voice of Beslan". According to her story, now the organizers are in search of sources to fund the event.
"We should work towards preventing terrorism in Russia and take lessons; however, no lessons were ever taken from the Beslan tragedy. Until now, there's no law on the status of terror act victims. We need working to this end too. I can't tell the date of the congress yet. We plan to address all possible volunteer helpers able to render financial support," Ella Kesaeva said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.
Author: Emma Marzoeva Source: CK correspondent