

February 07, 2019 19:51

February 07, 2019 19:44

February 07, 2019 15:55

February 07, 2019 15:52

February 07, 2019 15:50

  • Valery Osipyan (on the right). Photo by Tigran Petrosyan for the "Caucasian Knot" Head of Armenian Police against amnesty for "Sasna Tsrer" fighters

    Valery Osipyan, the head of the Armenian Police, said that he had lost his friends during the actions of the "Sasna Tsrer" detachment in 2016, and, therefore, he cannot reconcile with them. His words have questioned the acquittal of members of the armed grouping, since, if the victims disagree, the amnesty cannot be applied to "Sasna Tsrer" fighters. The court decided to hold its sessions behind closed doors.

February 07, 2019 10:58

February 07, 2019 10:55

February 07, 2019 10:51

  • Oyub Titiev with his advocates. Photo by Patimat Makhmudova for the "Caucasian Knot" Court refuses to exclude key proof from Titiev's case

    The Prosecutor's Office has failed to explain the discrepancy in case materials, which arises doubts regarding the key proof of the guilt of Oyub Titiev, the head of the Grozny office of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial"; nevertheless, the court has ignored the defence's arguments. The arguments of the prosecution against the rejected defence's motions are untenable, the representative of the HRC "Memorial" has stated.

February 07, 2019 08:23

  • The villages of Leninaul and Kalininaul near the border between Chechnya and Dagestan. Photo CC BY SA 3.0: Umar Dagirov / Wikisklad Non-public demarcation of Dagestani-Chechen border meets Kadyrov's expectations

    The authorities of Chechnya have offered Dagestan to exchange equal territories of 73 hectares, said Shamil Khadulaev, a member of the Dagestani delegation to Grozny. Residents of Dagestan have no information about the process of border demarcation; while journalists and political analysts believe that the silencing policy, which Ramzan Kadyrov had insisted on, is carried out with the knowledge of the Kremlin.

February 07, 2019 08:19

February 07, 2019 08:16

February 06, 2019 23:58

  • A Mercedes car presented to Khabib Nurmagomedov's father by Kadyrov. Screenshot from a personal page on Instagram Kadyrov's gift to Nurmagomedov's coach reminds of subsidies to Chechnya

    The father and trainer of Dagestani fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov thanked the leader of Chechnya for a Mercedes car presented by the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation. Some residents of Chechnya and social network users found the luxury gestures of the authorities inappropriate against the background of poverty in the republic.

February 06, 2019 19:09

February 06, 2019 19:05

February 06, 2019 15:28

  • Armenian political analysts question relevance of Madrid Principles

    Political analysts responded to the meeting of Nikol Pashinyan and Ilham Aliev in Davos. Azerbaijan has abandoned the Madrid Principles, believes Oganes Igityan, a member of the ruling "My Step" Party. Azerbaijan tries to strengthen its position, while the Armenian authorities have to demonstrate toughness and readiness to negotiate at the same time, notes political analyst Alexander Iskandaryan.

February 06, 2019 15:25

February 06, 2019 13:11

  • Bread. Photo: Couleur, Residents of Abkhazia criticize authorities for raising bread price

    In Abkhazia, bread makers explain they had to raise bread prices because of an increase in the cost of flour and gasoline. Residents of the republic express their fears that after the increase in the cost of bread, the prices for other food and goods of general consumption will also grow.

February 06, 2019 13:10

  • A border guard at the "Engur" checkpoint Sputnik / Sergei Pyatakov Abkhazia temporarily opens border with Georgia

    Since February 5, the border between Abkhazia and Georgia is temporarily open, but the quarantine regime of its crossing is still valid. If the situation with the swine flu in Georgia deteriorates, the border will be closed again, reports Temur Nadaraya, the head for the administration of the Gali District.

February 06, 2019 08:44

  • Islam Gugov at a court session. Photo by Konstantin Volgin for the "Caucasian Knot" Defence of KBR resident-returnee from Syria to challenge verdict at ECtHR

    The decision of the Russia's Supreme Court (SC), which has refused to reconsider the verdict to Islam Gugov, a resident of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR), who has voluntarily returned from Syria, will be appealed against at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), his advocate has stated.

February 06, 2019 08:37

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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