

January 06, 2007 22:06

  • FPES refutes information on Kulaev's death

    The Federal Punishment Execution Service (FPES) has denied the information on the death of Nurpashi Kulaev, who had been sentenced to life imprisonment for capture of hostages in Beslan school.

January 05, 2007 22:42

January 05, 2007 22:36

January 05, 2007 22:23

  • Military unit assaulted in North Ossetia

    In North Ossetia, near Vladikavkaz, during an attack of unknown persons on a military unit's check point, an officer was wounded, one of the attackers detained, a spokesman of the military unit has informed.

January 05, 2007 22:15

January 05, 2007 22:07

January 04, 2007 23:00

January 04, 2007 22:56

January 04, 2007 22:54

January 04, 2007 22:51

January 04, 2007 22:49

  • Criminal case opened on skirmish in the capital of Dagestan

    A criminal case has been initiated on the fact of a skirmish that took place on January 3 in Makhachkala, in Gamidov Avenue under Articles 317 (infringement on life of a law enforcement official) and 222 (storage and use of firearms) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

January 03, 2007 22:46

January 03, 2007 22:41

  • Russian military commits suicide in Georgia

    Alexei Dmitriev, a Russian serviceman at the 62nd Military Base in Akhalkalaki (Georgia), has committed suicide, the "Imedi" Georgian TV Company reports. According to the Company, the incident took place last night, when Dmitriev was on duty.

January 03, 2007 22:41

  • A militant of 76 came to surrender in Chechnya

    Today, the "Interfax" was told at the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) that Chechnya has broken the age record among the participants of illegal armed formations (IAF), who have voluntarily surrendered to the law enforcement bodies.

January 03, 2007 22:12

January 03, 2007 22:10

January 02, 2007 22:55

January 02, 2007 22:54

January 02, 2007 22:52

January 01, 2007 19:03

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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