

March 03, 2007 22:38

March 02, 2007 23:00

March 02, 2007 22:49

March 02, 2007 22:38

March 02, 2007 22:02

  • Kadyrov approved as Chechen president

    Today, the Parliament of Chechnya has approved awarding Ramzan Kadyrov with the powers of the president of the Republic. Overall, 56 deputies of both Chambers has voted for this decision.

March 02, 2007 21:59

  • Georgia hopes for the dialogue with South Ossetia

    Georgia will welcome a sitting of the Mixed Control Commission (MCC) for settling the Georgian-Ossetian conflict in Tbilisi, should mutual understanding be reached by the parties at the Istanbul meeting.

March 01, 2007 22:54

  • Court completed Ulman's interrogation in Rostov-on-Don

    The North-Caucasian Regional Military Court in Rostov-on-Don has finished today the interrogation of Captain Eduard Ulman, officer of the military reconnaissance, who is accused of murdering peaceful residents in Chechnya in January 2002.

March 01, 2007 22:50

March 01, 2007 22:47

March 01, 2007 22:34

  • Opposition has failed to unite in Armenia before elections

    The overwhelming number of political movements in Armenia are planning their independent, outside any blocks, participation in the elections on May 12 to the National Assembly of Armenia, and some even intend to boycott the elections whatsoever.

March 01, 2007 22:32

February 28, 2007 23:06

February 28, 2007 23:04

February 28, 2007 20:53

February 28, 2007 20:46

February 28, 2007 20:37

February 27, 2007 22:37

February 27, 2007 22:34

February 27, 2007 19:17

  • European Commission funds projects in support of IDPs in Georgia

    The aim of six projects is to revive the social and political dialogue between the government of Georgia and the society on the issues that worry the refugees: integration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) into the current Georgian society and capacity building of the NGOs who work with IDPs.

February 27, 2007 19:15

  • Trial of OMON fighters will continue tomorrow in Krasnodar Territory

    A court trial has started in Sochi of OMON (Special Militia) members of the Head Department of Internal Affairs ("GUVD") of the Krasnodar Territory accused of excess of powers during the mass clean-up ("zachistka") in the "Druzhba" (Friendship) children's camp, which was committed in summer of 2006.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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