

April 09, 2007 23:44

  • Abkhazia refutes robbery of UN mission

    The Galskiy District Office of the UN Mission to Abkhazia was not exposed to any plunders, the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" was informed today by Vadim Mysnik, Public Relations Officer of the Mission of UN Military Observers.

April 09, 2007 23:40

  • Investigation of criminal case against Centre "T" employees suspended in Kabardino-Balkaria

    It has become known to the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" from the sources at the Office of Public Prosecutor of the city of Nalchik, capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, that the criminal case against Centre "T" under Article "Abuse of Office Powers with Use of Violence and Special Means" was suspended, since the personalities of the offenders had not been identified.

April 09, 2007 23:35

  • US Department of State: Azerbaijan gives no care to human rights

    The US Department of State has disseminated a report on the situation with human rights and democracy in the world entitled "Support of Human Rights and Democracy in 2006." The report states that restrictions of mass media rights and prosecution of journalists took place in many countries, including Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and the Balkans.

April 09, 2007 22:19

April 09, 2007 22:13

April 08, 2007 12:19

April 07, 2007 22:40

April 07, 2007 22:20

April 07, 2007 22:10

April 07, 2007 22:00

April 06, 2007 22:16

  • NCO's lawyers give lectures on children's rights in Stavropol Territory

    Lawyers of the Stavropol Regional Public Charitable Organization (SRPCO) "Faith, Hope, Love" continue to give lectures on the rights, duties and responsibilities of children at children's institutions, Anastasia Ponomaryova, PR specialist of the SRPCO "Faith, Hope, Love," has told today the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot."

April 06, 2007 22:11

April 06, 2007 22:10

April 06, 2007 22:08

April 06, 2007 22:05

  • Head of Abkhazian MFA: UN Security Council supports Georgia

    Sergey Shamba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, considers his ban to take part in the session of the UN Security Council as an evidence of the Councils biased position, since the Security Council has ignored the right of one of the parties in the conflict to be listened to.

April 05, 2007 23:53

April 05, 2007 23:50

April 05, 2007 23:46

April 05, 2007 22:24

  • Militaries who shot women in Chechnya are on trial

    Investigators of the Military Office of Public Prosecutor of the United Force Grouping (UFG) in North Caucasus continue their enquiry into the incident that occurred on March 24 in the high-mountainous Shatoi District of Chechnya.

April 05, 2007 22:18

  • Kadyrov's presidency taken ambiguously in Chechnya

    Today, Ramzan Kadyrov has officially entered the post of the president of the Chechen Republic. Many people in Chechnya are positively assessing Kadyrov's activities in his position, however, there are many of those who stick to a different point of view.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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