

December 06, 2011 22:30

  • Communists of Dagestan at the protest action against election outcomes; Makhachkala, December 6, 2011. Photo by Timur Isaev for the "Caucasian Knot" Dagestani communists hold protest action against official election results

    On December 6, the Dagestani Republic's Committee of the CPRF (the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) held a rally in Makhachkala. The main demands of the organizers were to bring to justice those persons, who, according to the communists, falsified the elections to the State Duma, conducted on December 4.

December 06, 2011 22:20

December 06, 2011 22:10

  • Azerbaijan's SC leaves Bakhtiyar Gadjiev in custody

    Today, the Supreme Court (SC) of Azerbaijan has considered the cassation compliant lodged by the of opposition activist Bakhtiyar Gadjiev, convicted on charges of evading his regular military service. The complaint states that Gadjiev had a draft deferment because of his higher education and the right to alternative service. However, the SC has upheld the decisions of the first and appellate instances.

December 06, 2011 22:10

  • Gulnar Agaeva, the widow of Turadj Zeinalov and his father Shuriya Zeinalov at a press conference at the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety (IRFS); Baku, December 5, 2011. Still from the video footage of the "Obyektiv TV Channel, Relatives of Turadj Zeinalov who died at MNS of Nakhichevan demand objective investigation into his death

    In Azerbaijan, relatives of Turadj Zeinalov, who died in this August in the SIZO (pre-trial prison) of the Ministry of National Security (MNS) of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (NAR), believe that he died from torture and insist on an objective investigation into the case and punishment for the guilty persons. This was reported by father and wife of the deceased person at the press conference held on December 5 in Baku.

December 06, 2011 22:00

December 06, 2011 21:00

December 06, 2011 20:00

December 06, 2011 19:00

December 06, 2011 18:00

December 05, 2011 23:00

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of November 28 to December 4

    Voting at elections to the sixth-convocation State Duma of the Russian Federation, and regional elections held in some southern regions; song contest "Junior Eurovision-2011" in Yerevan, won Georgian company; nomination of candidates for the post of the head of Adygea; municipal elections in Azerbaijan; confrontation in South Ossetia after the second round of presidential election, where Russia is involved, - look these and other events in the Caucasus in the review of the week of November 28-December 4, 2011, prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

December 05, 2011 22:50

December 05, 2011 22:40

  • CPRF: voters in Kabardino-Balkaria complain that they could not find themselves in voters' lists

    In Kabardino-Balkaria, the course of the election of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation revealed that many voters had not received voting tickets, which usually indicated the address of the electoral precinct. As a result, many voters did not know where to go for voting. Besides, in some cases, voters arrived at electoral precincts and failed to find themselves in the lists. Nevertheless, according to the official information, the election was conducted without violations.

December 05, 2011 22:30

  • Voter inputs his filled-in ballot into the KAOIB (computer for processing ballot papers). Photo by Oleg Chaly for the "Caucasian Knot"

 "Spravedlivaya Rossiya" demands re-count of votes in Astrakhan Region

    The "Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (Fair Russia) Party does not recognize the results of the election to the Legislative Assemblies of Saint Petersburg and Astrakhan. This was reported today by Sergey Mironov, the Party's leader. According to him, in both regions, the law was violated during the voting, and the Party would appeal to the Central Election Commission on that fact.

December 05, 2011 22:20

  • Appeal complaint on "Kadyrov vs. Orlov" case to be considered on December 23

    On December 5, the Khamovniki Court in Moscow continued the consideration of the appeal filed by the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov against the acquittal to Oleg Orlov, Chairman of the Human Rights Centre "Memorial". At the request of Genry Reznik, the Orlov's lawyer, the next court session was appointed for December 23.

December 05, 2011 22:20

  • Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, December 4, 2011, observers from the "Edinaya Rossiya" (United Russia) Party at Polling Station No. 46-17. Photo by Svetlana Kravchenko for the "Caucasian Knot In Sochi, observers from CPRF claim violations at election of deputies to Russian State Duma

    In the course of the voting in the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation conducted in Sochi on December 4, illegal re-count of votes, removal of observers from electoral precincts and an attack on one of them occurred. This was reported to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent by the observers from the CPRF (Communist Party of the Russian Federation).

December 05, 2011 22:10

  • In Rostov-on-Don, two voters claim that other people have voted for them

    Two voters of the electoral precinct No. 1736, located in the Soviet District of Rostov-on-Don, claim that, when they received the ballots on December 4, they had to sign for other people, since other people had already signed in front of their surnames. All materials on the violation were brought to the Election Commission of the Rostov Region for examination.

December 05, 2011 22:00

  • "Caucasian Knot" re-enters top 10 of Russian Internet

    The Internet edition of the "Caucasian Knot" remains in the top ten of the most quoted news sources of the Runet. According to the study conducted by the company "Medialogy", in November the "Caucasian Knot" showed the highest growth.

December 05, 2011 22:00

December 05, 2011 21:00

December 05, 2011 20:00

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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