

December 28, 2011 18:00

December 27, 2011 22:50

December 27, 2011 22:40

December 27, 2011 22:30

  • Another supporter of Djioeva detained in Vladikavkaz

    Today, Genry Kachmazov, the administrator of the website "Uasamonga" and another activist of the North-Ossetian election office of Alla Djioeva, the ex-candidate for the presidency of South Ossetia, was arrested in Vladikavkaz. This was reported by Elina Marzoeva, a staff member of the headquarters.

December 27, 2011 22:30

  • In Dagestan, detainee complaints of refusal of medical examination after torture

    Gabibula Shakhbanov, a resident of Kaspiisk, detained in Dagestan, is not allowed to meet his second lawyer at the temporary detention facility (IVS), where he is being kept; transfers for him are not accepted, and the detainee, who claimed beatings by power agents, is not allowed to undergo a medical examination. This was reported by Murad Magomedov, the Gabibula Shakhbanov's lawyer.

December 27, 2011 22:20

  • Nadezhda Gogoleva, Principal of the school No. 74. Astrakhan, July 3, 2011. Photo by Vyacheslav Yashchenko for "Caucasian Knot". ICRF: Nadezhda Gogoleva, Astrakhan school Principal, suspected of excess of power

    Representatives of the Chamber of Control and Accounts suspect Nadezhda Gogoleva, Principal of the school No. 74, of excess of power. The inspection of the school revealed a number of violations in financial and economic issues. This was reported by the press service of the Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) in the Soviet District of the city of Astrakhan.

December 27, 2011 22:20

  • Head of NGO "Psou" reports attempt of her detention after rally in Sochi

    At the railway station "Goryachy Klyuch" (Hot Spring), two men in police uniform tried to get Natalia Kalinovskaya, Chair of the Territorial Public Self-Administration "Psou", off the train. According to Natalia Kalinovskaya, it may be related to her speech on the rally held on December 24 against falsification of the elections to the State Duma.

December 27, 2011 22:10

  • Ramzan Kadyrov decorated with "Golden Brush"

    Laureates of the award "Golden Brush-2011" have been announced in Russia; it is given for most unreasonable budget expenditures. The Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov became one of the award winners. The reason for awarding was the fact that this spring, the state procurement website placed information on buying expensive cars of foreign brands for the Republic's Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

December 27, 2011 22:00

December 27, 2011 21:10

December 27, 2011 21:00

December 27, 2011 20:10

December 27, 2011 20:00

  • The Ministry of Interior Affairs of Ingushetia: policemen accidentally killed a driver who refused to stop

    Tonight members of power ministries attempted to stop a car of a sixty-year-old resident of Ingushetia Ruslan Ozdoev near one of the supplementary posts set at the entrance of the town of Karabulak. Representatives of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of the republic state that the man disobeyed their demand and was unintentionally killed during persecution and firing at the tyres by one of the bullets which supposedly ricocheted from a bumper.

December 27, 2011 19:00

December 27, 2011 18:00

December 27, 2011 17:00

  • An activist of "Public Chamber" movement arrested in Nakhichevan

    On December, 26, Zeinal Bagirzade, Head of regional branch of civil movement for democracy "Public Chamber", was arrested for a term of three months for accusation of forgery of documents in Nakhichevan autonomous republic (NAR). This was the judgment of Nakhichevan city court.

December 26, 2011 23:00

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of December 19-25

    Preliminary agreement on exchange of detainees between Georgia and South Ossetia; statement of Azerbaijani MFA about recognition by Mexican parliament of Khojaly events as genocide, which was refuted by Armenian press; rallies for fair elections in Russia, including in the south of Russia, - look these and other events in the Caucasus in the review of the week of December 19-25, 2011, prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

December 26, 2011 22:50

December 26, 2011 22:40

  • Novorossiysk hosts picket against election violations

    In Novorossiysk, the Krasnodar Territory, participants of a picket against violations at the elections to the Russian State Duma decided to publish on the Internet all facts of manipulations at voting and non-compliance with the Law "On elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation".

December 26, 2011 22:40

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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