27 June 2008, 12:45

Residents of six Dagestan villages demand compensation of damage caused by construction of Irganay HPP

Residents of six villages of Dagestan, whose land estates are gradually flooded as the reservoir of the Irganay Hydroelectric Power Plant (IHPP) is formed, demand compensation for their loss of land and houses. Additionally, the population complains of being intimidated by the authorities, who try to hide the problem from the public.

"Every day, the water level in the IHPP's reservoir goes up by 0.5-0.7 meters. Currently, about 200 households in the dwelling settlement of the district are in the disaster zone," runs the statement issued by deputies of the rural assembly of Irganay village.

It is noted that residents of the Untsukul District have repeatedly but unsuccessfully addressed, both in writing and orally, President of Dagestan Mukhu Aliev, Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Dagestan (RD), Ministry for Emergencies of the RD, head of the Municipal Formation "Untsukul District" with a demand that compensations should be paid out to pay to the population, as stipulated by the current legislation.

Early in 2005, Irganay residents blocked the road to the gravel quarry, having expressed their discontent with the way compensations were paid out for the property doomed to perish in the flooding zone of the HPP's reservoir.

Local deputies warn that should the interests of the residents of six villages be ignored again, they will hold a rally in the square in Makhachkala.

The "Caucasian Knot" has informed that starting December 15, 2007, a counterterrorist operation is conducted in the Untsukul District. Local residents are sure that deployment of power agents was the authorities' response to their protest actions against the events related to the HPP.

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