The sports complex in Bachi-Yurt named after Ramzan Kadyrov's son. Photo: screenshot of the video on minsport_chr Instagram

31 December 2020, 10:31

Kadyrov symbolically improves power in Chechnya by honouring his son

The naming of the sports complex in Bachi-Yurt after Ramzan Kadyrov's son speaks of an attempt to strengthen his regime in Chechnya, Mikhail Roschin, an Orientalist, believes. In his turn, Akhmet Yarlykapov, a Caucasian expert, has suggested that Kadyrov announced his heir, which could lead both to the unification of the elite around him and to the emergence of rivals in the struggle for power.

Kadyrov prepares residents of Chechnya for the fact that his sons will take top positions in power structures, and by demonstrating their sporting achievements, he tries to form an image of winners, the analysts interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" believe. An architectural object in Chechnya has been named after one of Ramzan Kadyrov's children for the first time.

Mikhail Roschin has stressed that the ceremony in Bachi-Yurt is a "symbolic strengthening" of Kadyrov's power over Chechnya.

Akhmet Yarlykapov believes that the Kadyrov dynasty already de facto exists.

Kadyrov is guided by emotions, Alexei Malashenko, a political analyst, believes. In his opinion, Kadyrov may try to found a dynasty, but "it will exist as long as there is the current power in the Kremlin; and if it ends, Kadyrov will be instantly overthrown."

The experts have doubted that the rise of Kadyrov's son could become a prologue to a "personnel purge" in the Chechen administration, after which Kadyrov's close relatives will occupy top positions. Such a purge is not in the interests of Kadyrov himself, since it will reduce the number of his allies, Mr Yarlykapov has stated.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on December 30, 2020 at 11:04 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Semyon Charny Source: CK correspondent

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