03 June 2005, 00:33

Terrorists miss target, hit hard

Another attack on police officers is committed in Dagestan. An explosive device detonated a UAZ police car in Akushinskii Avenue near house 94 in Makhachkala at 3.20 am MSK on 3 June 2005, Interfax says. No one was killed thanks to the car's armour. One police officer was slightly wounded though.

Several police officers have already been killed since the beginning of the year in Dagestan.

Magomed Omarov, Deputy Internal Affairs Minister of Dagestan, and his two bodyguards were killed on 2 February in Makhachkala.

A police officer was killed and his three colleagues were wounded by a bomb in Stepnoi, Makhachkala, on 13 February.

An unknown attacker shot a senior investigator with the Khasavyurt City Department for the Combating of Organised Crime in Simsir, Khasavyurt district, on 10 May.

Magomedkhan Gitinov, a senior investigator with the Buinaksk City Division of Internal Affairs, was killed at the entrance to his house on 24 May.

Asker Askerov, chief of criminal investigation with the Buinaksk District Division of Internal Affairs, was wounded by criminals near the Giumri tunnel (on the border between the Buinaksk district and the Untsukul district) on 29 May. He died later on the way to hospital.

A bus with 20 police officers was blown up in Makhachkala on the night of 1 June. Nine people were wounded or contused.

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