10 October 2012, 23:00

"We demand to stop the anti-Dagestani hysteria in mass media!" Statement of the Dagestani Republic's Committee by the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF)

For the second week already the federal mass media have been running the anti-Caucasus, especially the anti-Dagestani hysteria. The formal pretext for it was in the wedding party of a young Dagestani and a travel of the wedding cortege in Moscow. Everything that happened after the detention of the wedding cortege confirms the intentional, purposeful and organized anti-Dagestani action aimed at creating intolerable living conditions and, in particular, of movement, not only in Moscow but also in other regions of Russia for residents of Dagestan. For example, they placed investigators at the GIBDD (traffic police) posts in the Rostov Region, who detained all the drivers-natives of the Caucasian republics, took them to the police stations, fingerprinted and photographed them, inputting the information into the database of criminal persons. When asked by the drivers about the law, on the basis of which it was done, they answered that they had received a command from the top. Similar examples can be found in other Russian regions - thus, in the same Krasnodar Territory, Governor Tkachov said that he was founding Cossack brigades in his territory, which in fact become a factor of moral and psychological pressure on the natives of the Caucasus. Apparently, such actions are undertaken in an attempt to divert the attention of the Russian society from other pressing and topical problems existing in the country.

We believe that state authorities both in the centre and in the territories should practice equal treatment of all the citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their regional origin and national identity. If a citizen has surpassed the law, he or she must be responsible; however, at the same time, the law should protect the rights of the citizens of the country.

The state and the authorities are obliged to create safe conditions for living, education and youth employment. If all this is not in place, young people, left to their own, are looking for places to live and work by themselves. It is not because of a good life in Dagestan that young people leave the republic: the complicated socio-economic situation, massive unemployment and general disorder - these are the main reasons that force them to leave their native homes.

Somehow over the recent years the educational activities among young people have been forgotten. The education of patriotism and high morality among young people is the mission not only of regional, but also of the federal authorities, political parties, and veteran, youth and other organizations. We must all collectively take care of our young people; and the youth will then respond with devotion to the state and readiness, if necessary, to defend it.

We are hereby categorically condemning the anti-Caucasian and anti-Dagestani hysteria kindled by federal mass media and demand to stop groundless attacks on entire nations. This activity is in no case strengthening the foundations of the Russian state as a whole. Russian mass media have to work towards consolidating the Russian nations.

October 9, 2012

Source: Press Service of the Dagestani Republic's Branch of the CPRF

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