29 June 2009, 18:12
Trial on explosion in "Abu-Bekr" Mosque starts in Baku
Today, the Court on Grave Crimes of Azerbaijan has held a preparatory session on the case of the explosion in "Abu-Bekr" Mosque on August 17, 2008, when a grenade was thrown into the mosque during the evening prayer, killing two and wounding 13 persons.
The judge has decided to run the litigation openly. The case has 26 defendants, members of the extremist religious grouping "Forest Brothers". Among them, one citizen of Russia - Magomet Isaev, and two citizens of Turkey - Yamin Ali and Ezdemir Ergin. Also, 18 victims and 92 witnesses figure in the case.
At the preparatory session, seven defendants refused from their appointed state advocates, saying that they will defend their rights by themselves.
Victim Nadir Usubaliev has stated that two persons out of those involved in the explosion are still at large; therefore, holding the trial is not correct, to what Judge Keramet Aliev has stated that "the case is considered within the accusation."
Gamet Suleimanov, Imam of "Abu-Bekr" Mosque, was present at the trial as a victim. The start of the of judicial investigation was appointed to July 6.
Author: Faik Medzhid Source: CK correspondent