

July 04, 2019 14:14

  • Protesters and the police in Tbilisi on June 21, 2019. Photo: screenshot of the video by the "Caucasian Knot" "Georgian Dream" Party holds opposition responsible for riots in Tbilisi

    The dispersal of the protest action in Tbilisi, during which dozens of protestors and journalists were injured, was a response to the calls for assaulting the parliament building, stated Kakha Kaladze, Secretary General of the ruling "Georgian Dream" Party. Activist Giorgi Mshveniradze treats the Kakha Kaladze's statement as an attempt of the authorities to relieve themselves of all responsibility for the victims.

July 04, 2019 14:13

July 04, 2019 14:07

July 04, 2019 11:07

July 04, 2019 11:03

July 04, 2019 10:56

July 04, 2019 10:49

July 03, 2019 23:46

July 03, 2019 23:43

  • Pavel Chikov, the head of the "Agora", wrote that the case of eight Dagestanis killed in Chechnya was sent to court. Screenshot Case of eight Dagestanis killed in Chechnya sent to court

    The Prosecutor's Office of Chechnya has sent the case of eight residents of Dagestan, who, according to law enforcers, had prepared a terror act and were killed in a shootout, to the Supreme Court of Chechnya. The casualties' relatives insist on the trial to be held Dagestan, Andrei Sabinin, a lawyer of the "Agora" International Human Rights Group, has stated.

July 03, 2019 23:25

July 03, 2019 23:20

July 03, 2019 20:50

July 03, 2019 20:45

  • Police officers at a protest action in Azerbaijan. Photo by Aziz Karimov for the "Caucasian Knot" Azerbaijani oppositionist complains about police threats

    Today, activist Sakhib Rustamli has been taken to a police station and warned for criticizing the authorities on social networks and issues of the online opposition TV channel. This has been reported by the activist himself. Members of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) treat the detention of Sakhib Rustamli as a part of the campaign to persecute oppositionists.

July 03, 2019 17:48

July 03, 2019 17:44

  • Participants of a rally in Magas. March 26, 2019. Photo by Umar Yovloy for the "Caucasian Knot" HRC "Memorial" reports examining Ingush oppositionists' cases

    The Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" continues to examine cases of the activists arrested after the March rallies in Magas. The list of Ingush political prisoners will include the names of other oppositionists, if prosecutors do not have convincing evidence against them.

July 03, 2019 17:39

July 03, 2019 10:46

July 03, 2019 10:39

  • A hunger-strikers' tent with the flags of the EU and USA near the parliament building. Tbilisi, June 27, 2019. Photo by Beslan Kmuzov for the "Caucasian Knot" Tbilisi protesters complain about ignoring hunger-strikers

    Outside the parliament building in Tbilisi, three persons continue their protest hunger strike demanding resignation of the head of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), but no one cares about them, protesters have stated. Meanwhile, the spokeswoman of the "Georgian Dream" Party said that there are no complaints about Minister Giorgi Gakhariya's actions during the dispersal of protesters' rally.

July 03, 2019 10:36

  • Ilham Aliev, the Azerbaijani President, at the opening ceremony for the Southern Gas Corridor. Photo: Analysts call energy factor decisive in Azerbaijan-Europe relations

    The political importance of Azerbaijan for Europe after the commissioning of the TANAP pipeline will grow, Azerbaijani economists believe, whose opinions regarding the profitability of gas transmission projects have divided. The West, because of its energy interests, sacrifices human rights in Azerbaijan, right defenders believe.

July 03, 2019 10:29

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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