

April 02, 2024 19:29

  • Draft commission. Screenshot of the photo posted on the Telegram channel of the Tuapsinsky District on April 1, 2024 Lawyers treat the spring draft as creeping mobilization

    The introduction of electronic summonses and associated restrictions on person's rights have become the main features of the new draft; however, in Northern Caucasus, it will only result in an increase of the upper conscription age, lawyers have noted.

April 02, 2024 18:56

April 02, 2024 17:15

April 01, 2024 23:17

  • The special military operation in Ukraine. Photo: Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of March 25-31, 2024

    CTO in Dagestan, persecution of pacifists and activists in Southern Russia, prisons for Azerbaijani oppositionists, news from Georgia, and official data on the natives of Southern Russia who perished in Ukraine, – see the review of these and other events in the Caucasus during the week of March 25-31, 2024, prepared by the “Caucasian Knot”.

April 01, 2024 23:16

  • Author of appeal to Kadyrov sentenced to five years in colony

    A military court has sentenced Zakhar Zaripov, a resident of the Khabarovsk Territory, to five years in penal colony, having found signs of justification for terrorism in his public appeal to Ramzan Kadyrov, the human rights project "OVD-Info"* has informed.

April 01, 2024 22:09

  • A counterterrorist operation. Photo by the National Antiterrorism Committee (NAC) Sources report details of CTO in Dagestan

    During the counterterrorist operation (CTO) in Dagestan, law enforcers blocked five apartments at once, and two suspects were detained without opening fire, without attracting the attention of residents, a source reported.

April 01, 2024 19:56

April 01, 2024 18:57

  • A special fighter of the FSB. Photo by the NAC information center CTO in Makhachkala is the first since 2022

    The counterterrorist operation (CTO) announced in Makhachkala and the neighbouring Kaspiysk was the first since May 2022, when law enforcers killed two people in a CTO introduced in the Leninsky District of Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan.

April 01, 2024 18:14

April 01, 2024 17:37

March 30, 2024 23:56

March 30, 2024 23:24

  • Zarema Musaeva. Photo: SOTAvision (included into the register of foreign agents) // Antonina Favorskaya Rights defenders find it a must to release Musaeva for health reasons

    The deterioration of Zarema Musaeva's health condition is another reason to apply CER (conditional early relief) to her, but she is actually being held hostage by Chechen authorities, human rights defenders have pointed out. Her diabetic cataract requires treatment at a specialized clinic, the doctor asserts.

March 30, 2024 23:10

  • Dagestani woman reports forced departure because of threats

    Aida Milaidi, around whose apartment in Derbent a local deputy has built a shopping centre, has reported that she received state protection in Makhachkala. However, she is dissatisfied with the reaction of law enforcement bodies to her appeals regarding threats.

March 30, 2024 19:20

March 29, 2024 23:17

March 29, 2024 22:57

  • Oleg Orlov*. Photo: * included into the register of foreign agents Oleg Orlov's* relatives are alarmed by his state of health

    Oleg Orlov*, a human rights defender, sentenced to 2.5 years in penal colony for his pacifist position, is deprived of hot meals and subjected to gruelling daily trips from the SIZO (pre-trial prison) to the court, says his advocates' complaint.

March 29, 2024 22:36

March 29, 2024 22:10

March 29, 2024 17:24

March 28, 2024 22:50

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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