

September 19, 2008 12:07

  • Manana Aslamazyan's case ended with a 1000 roubles fine

    Journalist Manana Aslamazyan, head of the "Educated Media" Foundation and director of the "Internews" organization, against whom an administrative offence case was initiated earlier this July, was fined by one thousand roubles.

September 19, 2008 11:56

September 19, 2008 10:02

September 18, 2008 23:58

  • Attack on militaries investigated in Ingushetia

    The investigatory bodies of Ingushetia are clearing out the circumstances of an armed attack on the militaries of the federal troops, as a result of which four employees of the Russian MIA were lost.

September 18, 2008 23:54

September 18, 2008 23:50

September 18, 2008 23:44

September 18, 2008 23:31

  • FSB prevents Beslan-like school capture in Dagestan

    According to the version of the FSB (Federal Security Bureau), the group of 10 militants liquidated on September 17 in Dagestan had planned to capture a secondary school located in the Suleiman-Stalskiy District of the Republic.

September 17, 2008 13:41

  • Opposition rally to be held in Kalmykia

    A protest rally with a demand of resignation of the incumbent President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov is planned for September 21 in the capital of Kalmykia. It is dated to the anniversary of dispersal of a similar protest action in September 2004.

September 17, 2008 13:34

September 17, 2008 13:10

September 17, 2008 13:03

  • UN headquarters commemorates casualties in South Ossetia

    On the fortieth day after the start of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict the headquarters of the United Nations opened a show of photos presented by the leading Russian news agencies and depicting the degree of destructions in South Ossetia.

September 17, 2008 12:59

  • Russia's MFA: NATO encourages Georgia to new adventures

    By deepening cooperation with Georgia, NATO encourages Tbilisi to new adventures, runs the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Russian Federation made in the context of the visit of the delegation of the North Atlantic Alliance to Georgia.

September 17, 2008 12:53

September 17, 2008 12:42

September 17, 2008 12:27

September 17, 2008 12:22

  • "Voice of Beslan" demands to set up protective dome over Beslan School

    On August 16, the members of the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan" arrived to the House of Government in Vladikavkaz to meet the leader of North Ossetia Taimuraz Mamsurov and ask him to help in erecting a transparent dome over the destroyed building of School No. 1 in Beslan.

September 16, 2008 12:26

  • In Ingushetia, court satisfies suit of ChCNS to Registration Service

    A lengthy litigation of the Regional Public Movement "Chechen Committee of National Salvation" (ChCNS) against the former Department of the Federal Registration Service of Russia for the Republic of Ingushetia (DFRS for RI) was over on September 12 victoriously for the claimant - the ChCNS.

September 16, 2008 12:22

September 16, 2008 12:16

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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