

September 03, 2009 22:40

September 03, 2009 22:10

September 03, 2009 22:00

September 03, 2009 21:00

  • In Volgograd, doctor guilty of baby's death punished conditionally

    The Court of the Alekseev District of the Volgograd Region has sentenced the obstetrician-gynaecologist of the central district hospital for using a technique at delivery, forbidden by the WHO (World Health Organization), which entailed death of the newborn to 18 months of conditional punishment.

September 03, 2009 20:10

  • Estemirova, Sadulayeva and her husband were killed by same gunmen, Chechen NGOs believe

    Kidnapping and subsequent murder in July of the well-known Chechen human rights defender, employees of the HRC "Memorial" Natalia Estemirova and a similar later crime against the leader of the youth public organization "Let's Save the Generation" Zarema Sadulayeva and her husband Alik Dzhabrailov could be accomplished by one and the same group. This is the opinion of some Chechen NGOs, which are convinced that true organizers and customers of these murders will be never punished.

September 03, 2009 20:00

September 03, 2009 19:00

  • Moscow militia refuses to open case against head of "Memorial"

    The Moscow GUVD (Chief City Interior Department) has refused to open a criminal case against Oleg Orlov, head of the Society "Memorial", under the article of "Slander" in the context of his statements that connection with its{his} statement that President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov is responsible for the murder of human rights defender Natalia Estemirova. This was reported by Andrei Krasnenkov, Kadyrov's advocate.

September 03, 2009 18:00

  • In Armenia, four policemen are accused of beating oppositionists

    The Special Investigatory Service has finished investigation on the case of four policemen, accused of using violence to citizens in the course of the events on March 1, 2008, in Yerevan. Their cases have already been sent to the court of general jurisdiction of the communities Tsentr and Nork-Marash of Yerevan. Journalists were told about it by Sona Truzyan, press secretary of the General Public Prosecutor of Armenia.

September 02, 2009 23:50

  • Children-refugees from Ingushetia. 1 September 2009. Photo of "Caucasian Knot" Children-refugees return to Ingushetia after rest in Spain

    On September 1, eight children-refugees from Ingushetia came back from Spain, where they stayed for about one month. Many of them were in children camps, and some of them lived in families. The trip became possible due to the Foundation of Deported Nations. According to Alikhan Akhilgov, President of the Foundation, the organization has been helping children for about 15 years.

September 02, 2009 23:30

  • Armenia, Yerevan. Photo by Armenia implements programme of providing housing to Azerbaijani refugees

    1000 families of Azerbaijani refugees now live in Yerevan and have no permanent residence. By different estimates, about 45 million US dollars are needed to build housing for them. This year, it is planned to provide permanent apartments to 50 families. This was reported to journalists by Eganyan, head of the migration agency under the Ministry of Territorial Management of Armenia.

September 02, 2009 23:10

  • In Azerbaijan, Bundestag deputy was again prohibited to meet arrested bloggers

    Jorg Tauss, a deputy of German Bundestag, has arrived for the second time in the last two months in Baku in connection with the fate of young arrested bloggers Emin Milli and Adnan Gadjizade, accused of hooliganism. However, same as in late July, he was not allowed to meet them in the Baku SIZO, in spite of the fact that he had sent a prior letter to President Ilham Aliev.

September 02, 2009 23:00

  • Beslan, school №1, September 1, 2009. Photo of "Caucasian Knot" Dudieva: authorities hide the truth about Beslan terror act

    Five years have passed after the tragedy in Beslan; the investigation is still on; but people until now do not know the whole truth why 334 persons perished and who was guilty of the tragedy. This was stated on September 1 by the members of the organization "Beslan Mothers" at a press conference.

September 02, 2009 22:50

  • In Armenia, officer is accused of murdering a private

    The Military Prosecutor's Office of Armenia has initiated a criminal case on the fact of a murder of Aram Mkrtchyan, 18, a regular soldier, who died as a result of beatings, rendered, according to the investigation, by an officer of the Vaiksk military unit.

September 02, 2009 22:10

September 02, 2009 21:10

  • Beslan, school №1. September 1, 2009. Photo of "Caucasian Knot" Dudieva: Beslan children cannot receive free treatment

    In Beslan, the state programmes aimed at helping the victims of the 2004 terror act do not work; people are left alone with their problems, as stated by Susanna Dudieva, leader of the organization "Beslan Mothers". According to her story, children-former hostages cannot get their free of charge and expensive medication; they have to do it for their own money.

September 02, 2009 21:00

  • Armenia: young oppositionist wants to start termless hunger strike in custody

    In Armenia, the court of general jurisdiction of Yerevan communities Tsentr-Nork-Marash has made a decision to extend by two months, that is, till November 5, the custody term of the young activist of the opposition Tigran Arakelyan, who has become half-blind while behind bars. The latter has promised to go on a termless protest hunger strike.

September 02, 2009 20:00

  • Human rights activists: in Northern Caucasus, power agents act more and more like "death squadrons"

    Today, the Independent Press Centre in Moscow has hosted a press conference of human rights activists under the motto "Death Squadrons in Northern Caucasus. Summer of 2009". According to Alexander Cherkasov, a member of the Board of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial", a system of violence has formed in Northern Caucasus, where torture, kidnappings, illegal prisons and extrajudicial executions are integral elements.

September 02, 2009 20:00

September 02, 2009 19:00

September 02, 2009 18:00

  • Defendant in Nalchik attack case asks to send him to treatment

    The today's court session on the case of attack on Nalchik in October 2005 has started with the petition submitted by defendant Sarabi Seyunov on his hospitalization to the Republic's Clinical Hospital, as he suffers from blood spitting. He has also stated that he feels bad and cannot take part in the trial.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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