

September 08, 2009 23:20

September 08, 2009 23:00

  • "Sova": "Black Hawks" is the first ethnic antinationalist grouping

    Maria Rozalskaya, an expert of the Information Analytical Centre "Sova", believes that before the appearance of the "Black Hawks" - a grouping of Caucasian nationals who persecute Russian nationalists, there were no precedents of this sort, and comparing the "Hawks" with the well-known St Petersburg "Red Skinheads" is unreasonable.

September 08, 2009 22:10

September 08, 2009 22:00

  • Source: Hammarberg is concerned of kidnappings in Chechnya

    Chechnya shall solve the problem of searching kidnapped and missing persons. This was stated by Thomas Hammarberg, CE's Commissioner on Human Rights, and Russian Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin, who arrived in Chechnya on September 7.

September 08, 2009 21:00

  • Azerbaijan, Baku. Photo by Azerbaijani Public marks International Journalists' Solidarity Day

    On September 8, on the occasion of the International Journalists' Solidarity Day, a group of independent Azerbaijani journalists laid flowers to the tombs of Elmar Guseinov, editor-in-chief of the "Monitor" magazine, who was assassinated on March 2, 2005, at the threshold of his apartment, and Nadzhaf Nadzhafov, the first editor of the "Azadlyg" newspaper and the founder of modern Azerbaijani democratic press.

September 08, 2009 20:00

September 08, 2009 19:00

September 07, 2009 23:50

September 07, 2009 23:10

September 07, 2009 23:00

  • Week in the Caucasus: review of main events of August 31 - September 6

    Liquidation of the "al-Qaeda" coordinator in Dagestan; self-explosion of a suicide bomber and political consequences of the resonant terror act in Ingushetia; opening of a micro-district in Tskhinvali, built by Moscow and vision by South-Ossetian President Kokoity of the future of his republic; "exit to sea" of the Abkhazian-Georgian conflict at the background of detention of ships in the Abkhazian sea zone; agreement on movement towards open Armenian-Turkish border - look up these and other events in the review of the week of August 31 - September 6 in the Caucasian regions prepared by the "Caucasian Knot".

September 07, 2009 23:00

September 07, 2009 22:50

September 07, 2009 22:40

  • Moslems of Azerbaijan criticize demolition of "Fatmai-Zakhra"

    "Ruined Mosques" - this was the topic of the roundtable held on September 7 at the Baku Media Centre on the initiative of the Centre in Defence of the Freedom of Worship and Religion (DEVAMM.) Demolition of three mosques, while in 2009 Baku was proclaimed the capital of the Islamic culture, is discrediting Azerbaijan before the Muslim world - this was the leitmotif of the roundtable.

September 07, 2009 22:10

September 07, 2009 22:00

  • In Chechnya, human rights activists wait to meet CE Commissioner

    Thomas Hammarberg, Commissioner of the Council of Europe (CE) for Human Rights, arrives in Grozny. Leaders of human rights organizations of the republic hope to discuss at their meeting with Mr Hammarberg a lot of serious issues, including the problem of safety of the NGO employees who work in the region.

September 07, 2009 20:00

September 07, 2009 19:00

  • Chechnya, Grozny. Photo by, Ramazan Gutsyev New school uniform introduced in Chechnya

    In Chechnya, the issue of the new uniform for Grozny schools is still very hot. Pupils' parents assert that the new uniform is imposed by bureaucrats and express their extreme discontent with the quality and cost of the schoolchildren's clothes.

September 07, 2009 18:00

  • Dagestan, Makhachkala. Photo by, Allie Verbovetskaya Kamalov: authors of leaflets with "execution list" know Dagestan specificities

    The dissemination in Makhachkala of leaflets with the threat of blood feud against members of "Dagestan illegal armed formations (IAFs)" was done by the persons who know the situation in Dagestan quite well. This was stated by Gadjimurad Kamalov, publisher of the Dagestan weekly named "Chernovik" (Blueprint) and director general of the LLC "Freedom of Speech" (Makhachkala).

September 05, 2009 23:00

  • UN: Georgia has over 293 thousand displaced persons

    The report of the Secretary General of the United Nations "Situation with Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees from Abkhazia in Georgia" states that now Georgia keeps over 293 thousand IDPs (internally displaced persons).

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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