

October 03, 2009 18:00

  • In Paris, President of Armenia faces protests of his compatriots

    On October 2, President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan, now on his pan-Armenian tour in the context of public consultations on normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations, met in Paris representatives of Armenian organizations of Europe. In Paris, Sargsyan was met by a mass protest action of his compatriots.

October 03, 2009 17:00

October 03, 2009 14:00

  • Self-made bomb neutralized on gas main in Dagestan

    In the Kayakent District of Dagestan, near Bashlykent village, a large terror act on the gas pipeline Mozdok-Kazimagomed was prevented, as reported by the group of public relations of the Department for Dagestan of the FSB.

October 03, 2009 13:00

  • South Ossetia, Tskhinval, cartel (exchange of captives), August 2008. Alexander Kovylkov for the "Caucasian Knot" Human Rights Watch calls to investigate war crimes in South Ossetia

    The Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called the world community to urge Georgia and Russia to make responsible those who had broken the laws of war and was involved in deaths of peaceful residents and destructions in the course of the military conflict in Southern Caucasus in summer of 2008.

October 03, 2009 11:00

October 03, 2009 10:00

October 03, 2009 09:00

  • Armenia, Akhtaly. Photo by, Vigen Hakhverdyan Armenia prepares "Northern Gate" tourist centre programme

    The government of Armenia has announced the monastic complexes of the Lori Region to be tourist centres, having named this region as "Northern Gate". The Ministry of Economy was given 6 months for drafting a development programme of this tourist centre and bringing it to the government.

October 03, 2009 08:00

  • Abkhazia-Russia boundary. Photo by Russia and Abkhazia agree on visa-free travels

    On October 2, Heads of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Russia and Abkhazia Sergey Lavrov and Sergey Shamba signed an agreement on visa-free travels, which will allow Abkhazians and Russians crossing their border not only by foreign documents, but also by their domestic passports. It is expected that the agreement will come into force in 30 days.

October 02, 2009 23:40

October 02, 2009 23:30

  • 23 schoolchildren already poisoned in Stavropol Territory

    The health condition of the schoolboys from Pelagiada village, Shpakovskiy District, Stavropol Territory, hospitalized on October 1-2 with symptoms of intestinal poisoning, is now noticeably better; at present it is satisfactory. The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was told about at the Ministry of Public Health of the Stavropol Territory.

October 02, 2009 23:00

  • Revolt of colony prisoners prevented in Astrakhan Region

    Employees of the Department of the Federal Service for Punishment Enforcement (known as UFSIN) for the Astrakhan Region and militiamen have prevented mass disorders with participation of prisoners and their relatives in the local high security corrective colony No. 2.

October 02, 2009 22:10

  • EU to help Georgia in torture prevention

    The European Union (EU) has allocated one million euros on prison reform in Georgia. This became known on October 1 at the international conference, opened in Tbilisi under the project "Torture Prevention in Georgia".

October 02, 2009 22:00

  • Native of Armenia assassinated in Moscow

    In the evening on October 1, in the southwest of Moscow, unidentified persons accomplish murder of a citizen of Armenia, as reported by law enforcement bodies of the Russian capital.

October 02, 2009 20:00

October 02, 2009 19:00

  • Local woman suffers in CTO in Kabardino-Balkaria

    In the city of Prokhladnoe, Kabardino-Balkaria, where a special operation on neutralization of militants was conducted, the counterterrorist operation (CTO) regime is now cancelled. In the course of the operation in this city, one militiaman was lost and three wounded; and three supposed militants were killed. Besides, a local woman has suffered.

October 02, 2009 18:00

October 01, 2009 23:00

  • Residents of South Ossetia complain to Medvedev of slow construction

    A group of residents of South Ossetia, victims of the August war of 2008, addressed for help to Russia's top leadership. In their letter, addressed to Dmitri Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, they have accused the leaders of their republic of disrupting the schedule of restoration works.

October 01, 2009 22:00

October 01, 2009 22:00

  • Chechen Interior Minister admits that youngsters continues to leave to militants

    On September 30, in the course of the meeting with the bosses of local power agencies in Grozny, Ruslan Alkhanov, the MIA head, said that from the start of the year 84 militants were killed in the territory of the republic. He also noted that for the same period, according to power agents, 43 young men joined the armed underground, and 11 of them left for the forest and mountains in September.

October 01, 2009 21:00

  • Suicide bomber who blew himself up in Chechnya identified

    The law enforcement bodies of Chechnya report that they have established the person of the terrorist-suicide bomber who tried today in the morning to blow up the building of the police station in Starye Atagi village in the Grozny District of the republic.

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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