

March 19, 2010 18:00

March 18, 2010 23:50

March 18, 2010 23:20

March 18, 2010 23:10

March 18, 2010 23:10

March 18, 2010 23:00

  • Kadyrov considers inexpedient to reduce the MIA staff in Chechnya

    Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov is in favour of preserving the staff of the republic's law enforcement bodies and cancellation of dispatching to Chechnya of militia units from other regions. At the same time, the activity of the local militia causes criticism among the population.

March 18, 2010 22:50

  • Student of Department of Economics, Information Technologies and Mathematics of the State University of Tourism and Health Resort Business of Sochi as voluntary blood donors, March 17, 2010. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Students organize charity action to collect blood in Sochi

    About seventy students of the faculty of economics, technologies and mathematics of the State University of Tourism and Resort Activities in Sochi have voluntarily given their blood, and they intend to use the earned money to buy diapers, toys and medicines for the babies abandoned by their parents and catered for at the Sochi infectious diseases hospital.

March 18, 2010 22:30

March 18, 2010 21:40

March 18, 2010 21:20

  • Georgian opposition to sue Mikhail Saakashvili and Georgi Arveladze

    The opposition political forces, which have united into the "National Council", are preparing a lawsuit against Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili and Georgi Arveladze, head of the "Imedi" TV company, in connection with the "special report" on alleged intrusion of Russian troops into Georgia broadcast on March 13.

March 18, 2010 21:00

March 18, 2010 20:00

  • Armenia, Yerevan. Photo by Armenian authorities intend to start reforms promised to CE in April

    The first steps aimed at introducing the reforms promised to the Council of Europe will be implemented by the Armenian authorities even before the April session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. This has been announced by David Arutyunyan, head of the Armenian delegation in PACE.

March 18, 2010 19:00

March 18, 2010 18:00

  • Bus with Russian pilgrims in Saudi Arabia. Photo by the "Caucasian Knot" Dagestan resident complains of illegal arrest of his brother in Azerbaijan

    Umar Garisov, resident of village Karanayaul, Kayakent district, complains that his brother Osman Garisov has been in Azeri pre-trial prisons since February 10. Today, Umar Garisov has relayed that the incident happened at the Azeri customs house where the brother was returning home from his pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

March 17, 2010 23:50

March 17, 2010 23:45

  • Dagestan court grants petition of "Chernovik"'s lawyers

    On March 16, Sharaputdin Gadzhiev, Federal Judge of the Leninskiy district court of Makhachkala, Dagestan, changed the measure of restraint for the journalists of the local weekly "Chernovik" from the recognizance not to leave to the obligation to appear before court. The judge also granted the petition of the defence to conduct another comprehensive psychologico-linguistic expert analysis of the newspaper materials in the federal centre of forensic examination under the Russian Ministry of Justice.

March 17, 2010 23:40

March 17, 2010 23:40

March 17, 2010 23:30

March 17, 2010 23:10

Relatives of Chechen young men shocked by secret verdict

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