14 November 2008, 10:59

Medvedev: Russia recognizes Georgia's integrity

Russia respects the territorial integrity of Georgia with account of Moscow's recognition of South Ossetia's and Abkhazia's independence. This was declared by Russian President Dmitri Medvedev who answered questions during a joint press conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy and chairman of the European Commission Zhoze Manuel Barrozu.

Let us note here that on November 10 Foreign ministers of the EU member-states decided to resume talks with Russia on a new strategic partnership agreement, interrupted by the events in South Ossetia.

According to the RIA "Novosti", Dmitri Medvedev said at the press conference on the outcomes of the RF-EU summit that the Medvedev-Sarkozy plan had been completely fulfilled, and added that Russia's decision to recognize the independence of Tskhinvali and Sukhumi "is no cause for speculations."

"Our recognition is final and irrevocable, it's no cause for speculations; this is a well-balanced state decision. We plan to build full-fledged relations with these new subjects of international law," said President Medvedev.

He has confirmed the Russia's estimate that the European Union "has played an absolutely constructive role, interfered into the conflict to carry out its peace-making functions, and helped in restoring law and public order."

The "Vesti" reports that according to Dmitri Medvedev, the issues of deploying military contingent and placement of military bases will also be decided on the basis of bilateral agreements.

We remind you that earlier the Georgian party has voiced regret that French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is presiding in the EU, stands for restart of negotiations about a partnership agreement with Russia. This regret was expressed by Ekaterina Tkeshelashvili, Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As she said, Russia failed to observe the ceasefire agreement.

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