12 September 2008, 21:07

Kesaeva: FSB refuses to tell the sum allocated for preventing terror acts in North Ossetia

The FSB (Federal Security Bureau) of the Russian Federation has refused to inform the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan" about the funds allocated to North Ossetia for prevention of terror acts, having referred to it as a "secret protected by the federal law."

The organization has received this answer today to its letter from M. Beloousov, deputy head of the FSB.

"Even before the Beslan terror act, according to the law, funds were allocated to North Ossetia. We sent a letter to the FSB, but they refused to tell the sum, having written that it was a secret protected by the federal law. However, they gave no reference to particular law, article, etc.," Ella Kesaeva, leader of the "Voice of Beslan", told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Tomorrow, on September 13, the All-Russian Public Organization "Voice of Beslan" will bring an action against the bosses of the Pravoberezhny District. According to the co-chair of this organization Ella Kesaeva, they found no money to install emergency pushbuttons in schools and to restore protective trenches; the absence of such trenches allowed the truck with terrorists to enter the territory of the Pravoberezhny District.

"We've repeatedly asked both the prosecutor's office and district leaders to install emergency pushbuttons in schools, since often telephone calls were made that this or that school was mined. All the time they answered that they had no funds to install the pushbuttons and restore trenches. Now we see that the money aimed to prevent terror acts had been envisioned in the federal budget. Therefore, we go to court," she said.

Author: Emma Marzoyeva, CK correspondent

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