25 April 2009, 09:00
Jobless residents of Volgograd are involved in public works
Currently, about 900 jobless city dwellers are involved in public works in the territory of Volgograd. Such works, although being a temporary measure, are efficient in mitigating the unemployment problem in the conditions of economy decline, as the officials of the Mayoralty of Volgograd believe.
The works are organized in such areas like amenity planting and improvement of territories, managing of housing and communal utilities and rendering consumer services to the population, as well as in road construction, servicing of passenger transport, work of communication entities, care of elderly persons, invalids and sick people.
The financing of the wages for public works, under the anti-crisis programme, approved at the regional level, will be made from the federal and regional budgets, and also partially from the funds of employers.
In total in 2009, a chance to participate in public works will be granted to about three thousand persons from among the citizens who have no work and who are registered by the employment service.
Author: Vyacheslav Yashchenko Source: CK correspondent