23 April 2009, 21:50

Tax bodies suspend their claims to parents of Beslan children

Mikhail Mokretsov, Head of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), announced on April 22 a suspension of the procedure of collecting taxes from the parents of children-victims of Beslan terror act and trained at the "Podmoskovny" Lyceum situated in Korallovo near Moscow.

Mr Mokretsov told about it in his speech to the Council of Federation. The decision was made after the FTS received a letter from the RF's Ministry of Finance about drafting a bill exempting material aid to terror act victims from taxation.

"This is a thorny issue, as today the law assumes imposition of such tax on the trustee and persons in charge of children," the "Kommersant" quotes his words. "Formally, training of children from Beslan is regarded as their material benefit and is taxable."

"We make no deductions and wait for adoption of the law," Mr Mokretsov has added.

Ella Kesaeva, leader of the "Voice of Beslan", said in her interview to the "BBCRussian.com" that she was happy with the way how promptly the authorities reacted to the situation.

In their turn, the leaders of North Ossetia stated on April 22 that they were ready to pay out the tax claims in the sum of about 1 million roubles for the parents of the children who suffered in the terror act committed in Beslan School No. 1.

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