06 March 2009, 19:09
"Voice of Beslan" again complains of Russia to the European Court
Today, the members of the All-Russia NGO "Voice of Beslan" have lodged another complaint of theirs to the European Court on Human Rights in Strasbourg the next complaint against the state on behalf of the new initiative group consisting of 71 persons, as Ella Kesaeva, head of the NGO, has reported.
Ms Kesaeva said that on March 17 a meeting will be held in Rostov of Nikolai Sidoryak, Deputy Plenipotentiary of the President for the South-Federal District (SFD), with the terror act victims. The members of the "Voice of Beslan" want to ask questions on the progress in the inquiry of the Beslan terror act and social status of the victims.
On February 24, the Pravoberezhny Court of North Ossetia, while considering the cassation complaint of the "Voice of Beslan", again refused to compensate the moral damage caused by the actions of the MIAs of North Ossetia and Russia to the victims.
Author: Emma Marzoeva Source: CK correspondent