03 March 2009, 13:00
Beslan to set up a school of cultural-aesthetic education
Today, Anastasiya Volochkova, a famous Russian ballerina, is coming to North Ossetia. She plans to hold negotiations on setting up a programme under her patronage in the Republic aimed at revealing and developing talents in children. She will also give a number of charitable concerts.
The Ministry of Culture of North Ossetia has reported that the programme plans to open in Beslan, the victim-city of the resonant terror act, a school of cultural-aesthetic education. Two years ago, Ms Volochkova already gave a charitable concert under the programme in support of South-Russian children.
Also, on March 5 and 6, the Republic will host charitable concerts "Hope, Believe and Love!" with participation of the actors from the Mariinsky and Bolshoi Theatres.
See earlier report: "Action of assistance to victims of Beslan terrorist act held in North Ossetia".
Author: Emma Marzoeva Source: CK correspondent