06 February 2009, 22:00

CPJ calls Medvedev to put an end to unpunished murders of journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) is indignant with the murder of journalist Anastasiya Baburova, who was shot dead together with advocate-human rights defender Stanislav Markelov, and asks President of Russia Dmitri Medvedev to ensure a careful investigation of the crime.

"Soon after your inauguration, you have publicly declared your commitment to solve attacks on journalists and promised at the rally of politicians and industrialists on June 5 in Berlin that "all the cases connected with attempts on life and health of journalists in our country will be investigated to the end and brought to the court," Joel Simon, executive director of the CPJ, addresses President Medvedev.

The CPJ has positively assessed Medvedev's promises and called the authorities to use all the available resources and influence to bring the murderers of Baburova and Markelov to justice. Mr Simon is convinced that this will help journalists in impartial covering the issues of corruption in governmental circles, violations of human rights, unrests in Northern Caucasus and organized crime.

The Committee has positively estimated Mr Medvedev's meeting on January 29 with Mikhail Gorbachev, shareholder of the "Novaya Gazeta", and editor-in-chief Dmitri Muratov, where President condoled with the relatives of Baburova and Markelov. However, the organization of journalists disagrees with the President's words that public statements in relation to the case can influence the official investigation.

"Public condemnation of the murder, made in the toughest expressions, would have been a correct signal: for the criminals - that their days are numbered; for journalists and human rights activists - that President appreciates their role in society and supports them; for victims' relatives killed - that President grieves together with them; and, at last, it would have become an obvious instruction to the investigatory bodies to seriously fulfil their duties," said Mr Simon.

The CPJ is also asking the President to publicly condemn the reaction of neo-Nazis, who are eulogizing in Russian blogs the murder of Markelov and Baburova. "These shocking materials evidence not only the disturbing growth of neo-fascist moods in Russia, but also the timeliness and importance of Baburova's reports, and the urgent necessity to ensure protection of the journalists who are covering such dangerous topics," runs the appeal.

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