03 May 2008, 11:11

Standard: IOC should think over an alternative to Sochi Olympics

The implementation of the plan to hold an Olympics in Sochi is under question, and the IOC should think over an alternative, Austrian daily Standard writes in its May 1 issue.

The issue cites Hans Peter Hazelsteiner, head of the Austrian engineering and construction corporation Strabag which is among the biggest potential investors in Sochi: "We have been recently informed that the master plan should be completed by the middle of the year. If this really happens and the tender and the actual work immediately follow, there is still some little chance that the Olympics in Sochi will be held. But we are skeptical and doubt that they will manage it."

Note that Strabag won the tender for completing the construction of an international airport in Sochi, which was held by the "Basic Element" (BasEl) company. The contract cost will be 62 million Euros. The airport construction should be completed by the year end.

Problems in Sochi arise in all spheres: streets, railway tracks, flats, raw materials, electricity and workers, notes the Austrian newspaper. What is even more serious is that there are no sufficient capacities to deliver into the region all that is necessary. "Geographically, Sochi is advantageously located for tourism, but not for construction. Huge volumes of construction materials and equipment will be impossible to deliver there without a sea port. It is needle hole", claims Hazelsteiner.

Additionally, the newspaper continues listing the problems, the works on the plans have been suspended. In the middle of April, Semen Veinstock left the position of head of the state corporation "Olympstroy" after occupying it only for several months. Before this, he had warned about a triple increase in prices. The new head of the state concern is Viktor Kolodiazhnyi, Sochi mayor. However, experts doubt that he will manage to resolve all the problems.

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