05 November 2007, 11:07

"Russian Marches" on the Unity Day in Russia passed almost without accidents

On November 4th, the National Unity Day, the so-called "Russian Marches" were held in a dozen of Russian cities, bringing together from several hundreds to several thousands of participants. In some places the actions were sanctioned, but in some cities they took place despite of the authorities' ban.

In St-Petersburg this year's march was sanctioned, however, several preconditions were put before the organizers: no to name the march "Russian", avoid using nationalist slogans and attributes, the portal "Fontanka.ru" writes. Meanwhile, they failed to do without nationalistic slogans and excesses.

According to the data of the GUVD (City Department of Internal Affairs), the action of the organizers in St-Petersburg, officially named "March in honour of celebrating the 1612 victory of the national home guard", attracted about 500 persons. The observers give the number of some 700-1000.

The official part of the march passed without excesses, but after the event was over, its participants, while walking along the 2nd Sovietskaya Street, lit up their incendiaries and, crying out nationalistic slogans, started throwing stones at the show-windows of the Chinese restaurant located nearby and cafe "Shaverma". The OMON (Special Militia) fighters who happened to be nearby detained the hooligans (about 20 persons).

Two "Russian Marches" were held on November 4 in Moscow on the Taras Shevchenko embankment. The first one held in the daytime as a meeting and organized by the Movement against Illegal Migration (MAIM), brought together, according to the organizers, over 7,000 persons. However, according to the GUVD, the nationalists rallied no more than 2,500 persons, the "Echo Moskvy" Radio reports.

The second, the evening march, in Moscow was organized by the "National Union" Party. The action attracted about 500 persons, the "Lenta.ru" writes.

The "Caucasian Knot" has already informed that during this weekend in a number of cities of the South Federal District (SFD), like in other Russian regions, celebratory actions were held to celebrate the National Unity Day, which is marked in the Russian Federation on November 4.

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