18 September 2007, 21:41

Sagalaev: RAO "EES Rossii" and LUKOIL will destroy the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain

The activities of the Russian Open Joint Stock Company (RAO) "EES Rossii" (United Power Systems of Russia) and realization of the plans of the LUKOIL Company will inevitably bring to ruin the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain (VAFP), concludes V. A. Sagalaev, Doctor of Biology, Professor of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University and head of the Research Laboratory of Biodiversity and Bioecology.

In his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, Vadim Sagalaev has declared that the activities of these companies will result in degradation and subsequent destruction of the unique VAFP ecosystem.

Mr Sagalaev: "We can still escape the death of the VAFP, if we force the hydraulic power engineers not to evacuate water during the winter period. They do it of their greedy intentions - to sell the electric power abroad. Instead, the floodplain receives a deadly 'winter high water' and at least same deadly disastrous deficit during the spring high water. Volgograd is losing its lungs."

The LUKOIL Company can also contribute to destruction of the VAFP. According to Vadim Sagalaev, this oil company is now searching new opportunities for transportation of its high-sulphur oil, which will soon be extracted in plenty from the shelf plate of the northern part of the Caspian Sea. Therefore, according to the Volgograd biologist, the oilmen are persistently lobbying in the federal government the idea of building the Volga-Don-2 Canal".

"Should this project come true, the agriculture will be ruined in the vast territories of the Volga and Don interfluve," Mr Sagalaev has stated.

Vadim Sagalaev gave an example of the consequences of Volga-Don-1 Canal construction: "Go to Karpovka and other settlements located along this Canal. People-suicides live there. Water is not fit for drinking. They are all renal and osteochondrosis patients there."

He complains of insufficient development of the civil society in modern Russia, imperfection of legislation and absence of the ministry to be engaged in wildlife management and capable to restrict the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), which is exploiting the nature: "The MNR is in charge of both protecting and exploiting the natural resources."

Author: Vyacheslav Yashchenko, CK correspondent

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